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救命啦,中文译英文啦~ 一定要快快翻译好哦,我急用啦,明天就没用啦。会...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 09:09



热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 04:35

From this story, I have learned that we should be a down-to-earth person. We should do things seriously rather than giving lip service. It is more important that doing things ppractically. At the same time, success depends on positive attitude.
Attitude determines everything, and different attitudes will lead to different results.
Positive attitude uplifts on to treat things seriously. However, negative attitude generates failures and hardly lead to success.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 04:35

I learned that a good person should be serious from this story. We should not only say it, but also do it. we need practice. At the same time, a person's success depends on a positive attitude.

Attitude is everything, a different attitude will lead to a different result.

Positive attitude could make us be active, and take seriously to anything.

Negative attitude could make us fail, maybe never succeed.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 04:28

From this story,i learn to be dependable and honest.We should do everything carefully.We should not be all talk but no deed,we need to know how to put it into pratice.Meanwhile,one's suceess depends on positive attitude.

Attitude determines everything,different atttitude can lead to different consequence.
Positive attitude makes us positive and take everything seiously.
Passive attitude makes us unable to be successful and never be able to achieve success.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 04:34

Attitude is everything, a different attitude will lead to different results.
Positive attitude, so positive that we take seriously anything.
Negative attitude that we will not succeed, will never succeed/

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 04:28

I learned from this story to practical life, it is. One thing we do should be done conscientiously. We should not only say it will not do, we need to know how to practice. At the same time, a person's success depends on a positive attitude.

Attitude is everything, a different attitude will lead to different results.
Positive attitude, so positive that we take seriously anything.
Negative attitude that we will not succeed, will never succeed.
救命啦,中文译英文啦~ 一定要快快翻译好哦,我急用啦,明天就没用啦。会...

From this story, I have learned that we should be a down-to-earth person. We should do things seriously rather than giving lip service. It is more important that doing things ppractically. At the same time, success depends on positive attitude.Attitude determines everything, and ...

急!急!!最危险的游戏《the most dangerous game》中文译本


《将进酒》李白 翻译全文


急急[jí jí]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?

[急急]百科解释 急急(jí jí)汉语词语,有如下含义:1.急切貌。2.急忙;赶紧。3.迅急。4.急急,在古时一种兽的名称,因其奔跑速度非常快,所以称急急,在道家常与‘律令’一词连用,以祈祷法术快快显灵。 更多→ 急急 [急急]英文翻译 in a rush [急急]近义词 仓促 仓皇 匆忙 危急...


I really hope to spend the rest of my life with you, secretly love you , forever.


home! Please... I don't want that to go away. don't want to forget.P. Sherman:四十二,四十二岁,我记得的,我记得。我没房间,我知道,因为当我看着你时,我能感觉的。而且,而且,我看着你,而且我...我感觉很自然!求你了,我不想让这种感觉消失。不想再忘记(美好的过去!)...


快快乐乐的骑上车子大声呼唤 Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage 来吧,和我们一起享受奇幻旅程 We're the directors of this groove ship 我们就是这美妙航船的指挥家 And you are under our command, yeah 你时刻服从我们的命令 What you should do is take a listen, too 所有你需要...


〔32〕孤灯挑尽:古时用灯草点油灯,过一会儿就要把灯草往前挑一挑,让它好燃烧。挑尽:是说夜已深,灯草也将挑尽。 〔33〕耿耿:明亮。星河:银河。欲曙天:天快要亮的时候。 〔34〕鸳鸯瓦:屋瓦一俯一仰扣合在一起叫“鸳鸯瓦”。霜华:即霜花。重:指霜厚。翡翠衾:绣着翡翠鸟的被子。 〔35〕魂魄:指...


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