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急求Phyllisia&Flo Rida唱的I'm tired 的歌词~!!这是欧美歌~1小时内给...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 19:43



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 22:32

Phyllisia - I'm Tired

(Feat. Flo Rida)

Mhm mhm mhm uh
This morning i woke up
And i knew it was a special day (special day)
Finally the time to take control and just walk away (walk away)
Three years chasing after a love that wasn't meant to be
I can't take that time, back but it time to reclaim my sanity
'cause i won't subject myself to you no more
You know I
[Chorus: Phyllisia]
'cause if the same fish, different day
When you gonna stop this game you play
'cause i'm tired, i'm tired, i'm tired
Devoted on my love and trusting you guess what
I'm through this, i'm tired, i'm tired, i'm tired
I'm so sick and tired of you thinking you don't mistake, don't mistake
Playing game you're the only could that dude when my heart
If thinking you can sneak behind my back only i ain't no fool
I ain't no fool, i bet you think no one could do like you
But trust me that wasn't lie
You know i, i tell you
[Chorus: Phyllisia]
'cause if the same fish, different day
When you gonna stop this game you play
'cause i'm tired, i'm tired, i'm tired
Devoted on my love and trusting you guess what
I'm through this, i'm tired, i'm tired, i'm tired
[Flo Rida]
So, so sick and tired of what i do what i did, what i done
Now i ain't try to play no game, to put it all your time
To make, you love, i love you bad muah
You need to stay that way
Same thing, different day
That's the ..Be baby you can feelin like that
I've been driving you crazy
What the hell ..Is not a good day
I'm tryin to be funny but this like comedy i'm tryin to be ..
Be real, no sugar cope no bs
I thought i was the different definition of a man..
Love you enough to let you put a..On my neck
Never hear it with the make up, see the ..
Stop causing ..When you on the streets m
What took a .. On my jay cup
Got money right stack right i was caviar dreams when you wake up
Wake up, stop sleeping on the..
It's already.I ain't tryin hate up
Is it you make funny how you make up
See this conversation haven't pretty much
[Phyllisia x2]
Boy please don't try to save yourself
'cause i'm not tryin to be ...
[Chorus: Phyllisia]
'cause if the same fish, different day
When you gonna stop this game you play
'cause i'm tired, i'm tired, i'm tired
Devoted on my love and trusting you guess what
I'm through this, i'm tired, i'm tired, i'm tired


热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 22:32

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