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英语作文,以feelings of the weekend为题

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 18:37



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 20:16

1.Last week, Michael had a bad cold. He felt terrible, so he was upset and worried .He thought he may have SARS. He telephone Kangkang
and told him about his worry things. Kangkang let him calm dowm and take it easy and told him it can not be SARS. After that, Michael calmed dowm,but the bad cold makes him sleepy. Kangkang told him he can listen to soft music and watch some exciting CDs and DVDs. jane and Maria often came to Michael"s home to cheered him up and maked him laugh.With the help of Michael"s friends,Michael felt better and better.Now, Michael is get well.He wants to say thanks to his friends!


Dear friends,

A serious disease called Swine Flu hit the countries all over the world. Many people died because of it. Now I will tell everybody how to protect ourselves from Swine Flu.

Firstly, have some good living habits. For example, often wash your hands especially after you cough. Then have enough sleep everyday. Remember to do sports after class in order to have a strong body. Always keep all the doors and windows in classrooms open and the rooms clean.

Secondly, , don’t always go to the public places which are full of people.

Finally, please go to see a doctor at once if you have a fever, have a cough, feel tired, or don’t feel like eating anything. Don’t forget to report it to the school.

By doing these things we can reduce the chances of catching Swine Flu. I believe that our efforts will make our lives healthier !
英语作文,以feelings of the weekend为题

1.Last week, Michael had a bad cold. He felt terrible, so he was upset and worried .He thought he may have SARS. He telephone Kangkang and told him about his worry things. Kangkang let him calm dowm and take it easy and told him it can not be SARS. After that, Micha...


My fiancé and I were out to dinner with two of her friends one weekend night. There was a long wait, but we were in no hurry, so we were happy to sit at the bar for a while and have a few drinks. We had some laughs with the 1)bartender, and it 2)came up in ...


4 weeks in one Square, renowned British Museum to stand in front of me. Used to be friends of that time was led by a feeling of tremendous respect to the feelings of a Bubuxiaoxin into the. This was so sudden, I found a bit surprised and flattered.Visitors are still many,...

以“A happy weekend”为题目写一篇英语短文,70词左右,开头已给出!?

a happy weekend.I had a very happy weekend.At the weekend,i did a lot of meaningful things.I went to visit my friends.We played games together and then we went to a mountain.We was very excited.When we got to the top,we had a bird's-eye view of the whole town(鸟瞰...


experience, and not ignorant of the end of days.工作上的事情全部做好了,可以后顾无忧的过周末拉,好吧给亲做一顿色香味俱全的午餐 Work all done, can Houguwuyou over the weekend, okay to do pro meal delicious lunch 晚上和朋友出去唱唱歌,或者一起聚会下,增加彼此的感情,交流交流。

The feelings I have for you, to be very sincere, its love.


请高手帮我翻译一下 急 非常感谢

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we also did other things and got our own ideas and feelings about the things we did.So tired but fun.I can't help waiting for another weekend to e.,5,the weekend i spent whole weekend with my firend mike. saturday was sunny day. we visited zoo,and have fun in it. we ...

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