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初一英语作文Kangkang'sSunday 大神来啊

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 18:37



热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 00:50

Kangkang really had a happy Sunday. He got up early because his parents and I decided to go to the park. His father drove them there. They went boating and climbed the mountain. They also took lots of beautiful pictures. They really had a good time. He did his homework in the afternoon and played table tennis with his friends. In the evening he surfed the internet and read an interesting book. What a busy and happy Sunday he had !

Kangkang had a happy day last Sunday. Do you want to know what did Kangkang do on Sunday? Well , let me tell you .

At 6:30 a.m. he was running in the park. I think he must be a healthy boy. He was cleaning the room at 8:00 a.m. .What a Hard-working boy! At 9:50 a.m. he was listening to a concert with his friends. He was enjoying the music a lot. At 11:30 a.m. he was in the kitchen. What was he doing, do you know? Well , he was helping his mother do some cooking. He must be a good son. In the afternoon, he was playing soccer with his friends at 2:20 p.m. . At 8:15 p.m. he was watching TV . He was very happy last Sunday. What a happy day!

On Sunday, Kangkang goes out for a picnic with his friends. Maria's pet dog goes, too. They take some
food there. Jane likes singing very much. She wants Kangkang to sing a song with her, but he has no time.
Kangkang has to (必须, 不得不) cook. Wang Ping and Michael would like to help him. Steve carries water
for them. And Maria flies a kite with her pet dog. They are all very happy.
初一英语作文Kangkang'sSunday 大神来啊

Kangkang really had a happy Sunday. He got up early because his parents and I decided to go to the park. His father drove them there. They went boating and climbed the mountain. They also took lots of beautiful pictures. They really had a good time. He did his homework in...


Kang Kang's Sunday At 6.30a.m,Kang Kang ran in the park.At 8.00,he did the cleaning at home.At9.50,he took part in the music concert with Jane.At 11.30, Kang Kang cooked with her mother.At14.20,he played football with her classmates.At 20.15,Kang Kang watched TV...


A happy day for Kangkang New Year's Day of 2012 is coming. On the early morning of the first day of 2012, Kangkang had his breakfast quickly, then went shopping outside with his friends. They bought a lot of goods, such as some food, some toys and so on, so everyone...


S:那我就"惦惦"咯,这节目你自己主持咯……H:嗯?!有忤逆之心!不可有!(拔剑) S:不要……H:还是我切腹自杀 不养你了!!S:好,你切腹自杀……yokoso japan 拉面博物馆内S:老婆!你不要救我!(刀子自插……)老婆……H:老婆!你撑住!你一定要撑住啦!!S:我快不行了…… H:那你想说什麽,最后一句话……...

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