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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 21:57



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 13:58

My fond dream school I want such one school · · · · · · · That school ought to be far away from a racket , is not allowed to be far away from civilization but; Can not have sculpture , the fountain, only being not able to not have green grass; Can not have a school motto, only being not able to not have the campus spirit; Can not have the luxurious dormitory , being not able to not have thick collection of books but; Can not have very high pay , being not able to not have elementary respecting but; Can not have the upper nobleman of matter , being not able to not have the spiritual man of wealth but; Can not have the interior gymnastics house, but must let the Five-Starred Red Flag fly in everyone in the ascendant morning, let beautiful music resound at everyone The sun was bending in the west · · · in the evening · · · I want such one school · · · · · · · I need to let my student walk into a classroom being stepping on the moving tinkle of bells every day , crowded satisfying is a hope for future in the heart , satisfying shows in self's eyes out is the aspiration to knowledge. Read Andersen , walk into Haimingwei , say Su Shi , say the black pigment used by women in ancient times to paint their eyebrows jade, difference experiencing East and West culture. Know information express highway stretching. Coming the kind and upright men step single file following ancient times being leaked, the trajectory single file progressing along Western civilization is headed for going to; 5000 years, is about vertical and horizontal 80,000 li. Read the month assured source of life caw surf still, saying folk literature, among looking at Liang Zhu melting butterfly · · · · · ·
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