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作文Be helpful to others

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 23:19



热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 18:13

It is very necessary to help others in our daily life.I like helping others very much.I often help my friends with their maths problems.I usually make them think over the problems themselves or think about the questions in another way instead of telling them the solution.I think to do so can help them to have their own ideas to deal with the same kinds of problems.And I feel so pleased to help others that I would like to help as many people as possible.
一篇60字的英语作文,初二水平,求高手回答 Be helpful to others

I like to help others.I often help my friends and their mathematical problem.I usually get them thinking about their own problems.Instead of telling them the solution.I think it can help they have their own thoughts to solve the same problem.It's my pleasure to help others,so ...

帮我写一片以《be helpful to others》为题的作文,万分感谢!!_百度知...

being helpful to others will bring us more happiness. I enjoy helping others by giving them a helping hand when they are in trouble. I am patient when my classmates ask me to help them solve the questions and I am also ready to help the strangers at any time. I always feel...


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Be Helpful to Others From the moment I began to receive education, both my parents and teachers instilled in me the importance of being helpful when others ask for assistance, and I have taken their advice to heart. So, when my classmates or friends face difficulties, I am alway...

以Be helpful to others为题写一篇英语作文,80字

It is very necessary to help others in our daily life. I like helping others very much. I often help my friends with their maths problems. I usually make them think over the problems themselves or think about the questions in another way instead of telling them the solution. I...

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题目:What made me happy 正文:To me,the happiest moment is that I can be helpful to others.One day,I met a foreigner who looked very worried.After going forward him and asked him for something,I got that he couldn't find the way back to the hotel.Then I politely told ...

作文Be helpful to others

It is very necessary to help others in our daily life. I like helping others very much. I often help my friends with their maths problems. I usually make them think over the problems themselves or think about the questions in another way instead of telling them the solution. I...




he is hero to me. He devotes almost all the time to his patients, many lives are saved. He always said, a man should have dignity, integrity, honor, and most of all, be helpful to others. This affected me deeply, so I work hard so that someday I could be the man li...

英语作文:How to get along with others?

We should get along well with others . But how can we do that ? Now I would like to give some suggestions. First we should respect others and be friendly to them . A big smile can always make you welcomed . Second we should be helpful to others . When they are in ...

refer to others behelpfultoyou to help others appear to others be helpful to do behelpfulfor的意思 do you helpful be helpful with the other two
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