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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 00:47



热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 06:32

汗。。。没有英文版的下载不过 有完整的歌词 请LZ鉴别

Cruel Angel's Thesis

Series: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Composer: Hidetoshi Sato
Arrangement: Toshiyuki Ohmori
Vocals: Takahashi Yoko

Young boy, like a cruel angel's thesis,
Live up to be a legend...

Even though clear blue winds
Beat on the door of my heart,
You just smile, looking straight at me
Too involved in yearning for
Something to hold on
The innocent eyes still no nothing of fate yet.

But someday you will notice
On those shoulders of your
There are strong wings
To guide you to the far future.

A cruel angel's thesis
Will someday fly high from the window
If memories are betrayed by
the overflowing, burning pathos (emotions).
Young boy, shine like a legend,
Holding the sky in your arms.

The cradle of love that sleeps within me
There will be a morining that
A servant of dreams will come for you.
The moonlight shines on your thin neckline.
I'd stop time in this world
and lock it away for myself, but...

If there is any meaning
In the fate that pulled us together,
Then I am, yes, the Bible
That teaches you of freedom.

A cruel angel's thesis
And then sorrow comes forth
When the shapes of the dreams you hold in your arms
come to life within you.
Young boy, who shines brighter than anyone else,
Rise to become a legend.

People weave together love to create history
And so I live on,
Unable to become a goddess...

A cruel angel's thesis
Will someday fly high from the window
If memories are betrayed by
the overflowing, burning pathos (feelings).
Young boy, shine like a legend,
Holding the sky in your arms.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 06:32

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