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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 13:55



热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:28

going surfing is a adventrous sports
going surfing is a kind of sports which not only can challenge ourselves but also can train us .the reason why sufing is a popular sport and a match is that it is good for our health ,it can do good to xinxuanguan ,and the muscle will work when we accelerate into the sea ,which can be good for hearts .
many people challenge it time and time and fail one by one , but they won't quit ,because they know the failure is the mother of success. 好了 加分吧 有个心血管那个自己查下 我上课去了 肯定没有 语法错误 我看了前两个人的 有一个都是语法错误啊 汉语式英语 不要上当啊

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:26

going surfing is a adventrous sports
going surfing is a kind of sports which not only can challenge ourselves but also can train us .the reason why sufing is a popular sport and a match is that it is good for our health ,it can do good to xinxuanguan ,and the muscle will work when we accelerate into the sea ,which can be good for hearts .
many people challenge it time and time and fail one by one , but they won't quit ,because they know the failure is the mother of success.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:29

Surfing is an extreme sport.
Self-challenging is required in surfing at the same time it can also train our body.
Surfing is chosen by a lot of people as an exercise and a sport event the main reason is because it is beneficial to our body and surfing can train our Cardiovascular system.
At the moment when you rush into the waves, you can clearly feel that your muscles are all contracted and the fast flowing blood will make your heart pound fast in order to keep your body system healthy.
Everyone tries hard and tried many times in the challange and they did not give up whenever they failed because they know that there will be success after failure.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:30

surfing is an adverture sport.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:28

Surfing is an adventure sport.
Surfing is an activity both can challange themselves and can be able to exercise their own movement. The reason makes people seem surfing as a sport and the competition event is, it is good for our health. Surfing can be able to exercise cardiovascular, when accelerate into the waves of the moment, the muscle groups of the body will tensed up, bloodstream will also impact the heart and become robust.
Many people challange themselves again and again, and fail again and again. However, they don't give up, because they know behind the failure is success.
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