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通天干探 第27集英文插曲

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 07:21



热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 10:53

《Here's the story》
this is the story of jeremies and claire
walk down to the rainbow
and took his chances there
may i love the angel who i dare get to be true
it's where i change a second year and eyes on silvie blue
they must have known each other and another buffing scene
they talked about their troubles
they talked about their dreams
they fell in love and god will place on second string
since money and nature falls by some property
oh, silvie blue
oh, who are you
jeremies came home one day
but silvie wasn't there
he ran into the room to find all in disrepair
stay like an arrow through his heart is hurt so bad
the car was gone and so was all the money that they had
oh, silvie blue
oh, who are you
who are you
silvie blue, who are you, who are you
i will love the angel on the name of silvie blue
somewhereas of texas
looking too good to be true
she follows she's the story and she bids her upper head
wondering if she ever thinks of jeremies and claire
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