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求。l'm special为题目的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 18:33



热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:13

I'm Special 我就是我



  In the entire world there's nobody like me. Since the beginning of time, there has never been another person like me. Nobody has my smile. Nobody has my eyes, my nose, my hair, my hands, or my voice.

  I'm special.




  No one can be found who has my handwriting. Nobody anywhere has my tastes — for food or music or art. No one sees things just as I do. In all of time there's been no one who laughs like me, no one who cries like me. And what makes me laugh and cry will never provoke identical laughters and tears from anybody else, ever. No one reacts to any situation just as I would react.

  I'm special.





  I' m the only one in all of creation who has my set of abilities. Oh, there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I'm good at, but no one in the universe can reach the quality of my combination of talents, ideas, abilities and feelings. Like a room full of musical instruments, some may excel alone, but none can match the symphony sound when all are played together. I'm a symphony.

  Through all of eternity no one will ever look, talk, walk, think or do like me.

  I'm special.

  I'm rare.







  And, in all rarity there is great value. Because of my great rare value, I need not attempt to imitate others. I will accept — yes, indeed, celebrate — my differences. I'm special.

  And I'm beginning to realize it's no accident that I'm special. I'm beginning to see that I have been made for a very special purpose. There is a job for me that no one else can do as well as I. Out of all the billions of job applicants, only one is qualified, only one has the right combination of what it takes. That one is me. Because...I'm special.




热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:18

In the whole world there's nobody like me.Since the beginning of time,there has never been another person like me.Nobody has my smile.Nobody has my eyes,my nose,my hair,my hands,or my voice.
I'm special.
No one can be found who has my handwriting. Nobody anywhere has my tasts--for food or music or art.No one sees things just as I do.In all of time there's been no one who laughs like me,no one who cries like me.And what makes me laugh and cry will never cause the same laughter and tears from anybody else,ever.No one reacts to any situation just as I would react.
I'm special.
I'm the only one in all of creation who hs my set of abilities.Oh,there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I'm good at,but no in the universe can reach the quality of my combination of talents,ideas,abilities and feelings.Like a room full of musical instrument,some many be good alone,but none can match the symphony sound when all are played together.I'm a symphony.
Through all of eternity no one will ever look,talk,walk,think or do like me.
I'm special.
I'm rare.And,in all rarity there is great value.Because of my great value,I need not attempt to imitate others.I'llaccept--yes,indeed,celebrate--my differerces.
I'm special.
And I'm beginning to realize it's no accident that I'm special.I'm beginning to see that Ihave been made for a very special purpose.There is a job for me that no one else can do as well as I.Out of all the billions of job applicants,only one is qualified,only one has the right combination of what it takes.That one is me.
Beause...I'm special.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:20

People in the world are different from person to person, no matter from the appearance or the individuality.
In another word, we are born with unique characteristics and appearance. But a strange phenomenon in social is that people tend to imitate others or not brave enough to express themselves, the consequence is that many people lost themselves in life, and couldn't know what a person they are in hell.
I am lucky that I am clearly about what a person I like, I am outgoing, I like laughing loudly when I am happy and crying loudly when I am sad, I will point out when I know something is wrong, I will lend a hand when my friends need help.I am who I am, I know, I am the only one in the world.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:18

I'm Special 我就是我



  In the entire world there's nobody like me. Since the beginning of time, there has never been another person like me. Nobody has my smile. Nobody has my eyes, my nose, my hair, my hands, or my voice.

  I'm special.




  No one can be found who has my handwriting. Nobody anywhere has my tastes — for food or music or art. No one sees things just as I do. In all of time there's been no one who laughs like me, no one who cries like me. And what makes me laugh and cry will never provoke identical laughters and tears from anybody else, ever. No one reacts to any situation just as I would react.

  I'm special.





  I' m the only one in all of creation who has my set of abilities. Oh, there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I'm good at, but no one in the universe can reach the quality of my combination of talents, ideas, abilities and feelings. Like a room full of musical instruments, some may excel alone, but none can match the symphony sound when all are played together. I'm a symphony.

  Through all of eternity no one will ever look, talk, walk, think or do like me.

  I'm special.

  I'm rare.







  And, in all rarity there is great value. Because of my great rare value, I need not attempt to imitate others. I will accept — yes, indeed, celebrate — my differences. I'm special.

  And I'm beginning to realize it's no accident that I'm special. I'm beginning to see that I have been made for a very special purpose. There is a job for me that no one else can do as well as I. Out of all the billions of job applicants, only one is qualified, only one has the right combination of what it takes. That one is me. Because...I'm special.




热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:17

People in the world are different from person to person, no matter from the appearance or the individuality.
In another word, we are born with unique characteristics and appearance. But a strange phenomenon in social is that people tend to imitate others or not brave enough to express themselves, the consequence is that many people lost themselves in life, and couldn't know what a person they are in hell.
I am lucky that I am clearly about what a person I like, I am outgoing, I like laughing loudly when I am happy and crying loudly when I am sad, I will point out when I know something is wrong, I will lend a hand when my friends need help.I am who I am, I know, I am the only one in the world.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 05:15

In the whole world there's nobody like me.Since the beginning of time,there has never been another person like me.Nobody has my smile.Nobody has my eyes,my nose,my hair,my hands,or my voice.
I'm special.
No one can be found who has my handwriting. Nobody anywhere has my tasts--for food or music or art.No one sees things just as I do.In all of time there's been no one who laughs like me,no one who cries like me.And what makes me laugh and cry will never cause the same laughter and tears from anybody else,ever.No one reacts to any situation just as I would react.
I'm special.
I'm the only one in all of creation who hs my set of abilities.Oh,there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I'm good at,but no in the universe can reach the quality of my combination of talents,ideas,abilities and feelings.Like a room full of musical instrument,some many be good alone,but none can match the symphony sound when all are played together.I'm a symphony.
Through all of eternity no one will ever look,talk,walk,think or do like me.
I'm special.
I'm rare.And,in all rarity there is great value.Because of my great value,I need not attempt to imitate others.I'llaccept--yes,indeed,celebrate--my differerces.
I'm special.
And I'm beginning to realize it's no accident that I'm special.I'm beginning to see that Ihave been made for a very special purpose.There is a job for me that no one else can do as well as I.Out of all the billions of job applicants,only one is qualified,only one has the right combination of what it takes.That one is me.
Beause...I'm special.
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