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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 09:40



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 07:27

1 My over draft limit is showed to be o pound ,i thought it means not allowed to over draft.
but the fact is that over draft is allowed and as a result i should pay for penalty,the bank information is misleading,they should take the responsibility.
2 The bank did not notify me in advance that if i over draft there will be a 30 pounds penalty to my account until i had done it, it is not honest.
If they had emailed me or sent the warning to me by TXT, i would have transfered the money to my account , but they had not.
And,the penalty information arrived to me immediately i over drafted,so there was no time for me to trasfer accounts.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 07:29

My over draft limit is showed to be o pound ,i thought it means not allowed to over draft.
but the fact is that over draft is allowed and as a result i should pay for penalty,the bank information is misleading,they should take the responsibility.
The bank did not notify me in advance that if i over draft there will be a 30 pounds penalty to my account until i had done it, it is not honest.
If they had emailed me or sent the warning to me by TXT, i would have transfered the money to my account , but they had not.
And,the penalty information arrived to me immediately i over drafted,so there was no time for me to trasfer accounts. 大体就是这个 给分哈

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 07:26

(1) My over draft limit is 0 pound. I thought it meant no over draft was allowed. However, it actually is but with penalty. This kind of information is misleading, and it's the bank's fault.

(2) The bank didn't inform me in advance by any way that 30 pound must be paid for over draft, but sent me a letter for it after I'd done it. It's unhonest. If they'd e-mail or text me on time, I could have transferred money to my account. But they didn't, moreover, they sent me a letter asking for penlty on the second day of my over draft and leave me no time for my money tranferring.
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