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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 11:09



热心网友 时间:2024-09-28 14:51

我们从英语书上看到了关于希望工程的介绍,觉得那些辍学的孩子很可怜。他们因为金钱上的原因和父母的原因不得不辍学。他们甚至没有好的书还有教室,我们跟他们相比真的是优越很多。我觉得,我们应该尽力帮助,他们为他们捐钱。让他们也可以学习到知识,为祖国的未来做出贡献。大家一起来为他们捐钱吧。 We saw the introduction of the Hope Project from English book, feeling that those children who quitted school were so pathetic. They had to quit school for the reason concerning both the money and their parents. They even failed to have the books and classrooms in good condition, and so much are we superior to them when compared to them. In my opinion, we should do as much as possible to help them by giving donations to them. Let them study the knowledge as well and contribute to our country's future. Therefore let us together give donations to them!


we should do as much as possible to help them by giving donations to them. Let them study the knowledge as well and contribute to our country's future. Therefore let us together give donations to them!满意

急求一篇初二英语作文:project hope (希望工程)

The "Project Hope"Education plays a very important role in the development of China. As is known to all, China has the largest population in the world and most of them live in the countryside. Since the economic conditions there are rather poor, many families,especially in the r...


The Hope Project is a commonweal undertaking. It aims at helping the children who are out of school in the poor area. What this organization usually do is subsidize the children in the poor place to go to school. Hope Primary Schools are the result of it. I’m very moved fo...

我上初二 想写一篇关于希望工程的作文

英:Some needy students, as very poor, so they could not afford to go to school. the hope project to help them to raise money, and they pay the fees. the hope project helped them to go to school, they are very pleased.汉:有一些贫困学生,因为家里非常穷,所以他们上不起学...

一篇关于希望工程的英语作文 带翻译

In class, our teacher told us something about Project Hope. She said some children in the country couldn't go to school because their parents were too poor to send their children to school. She called on us to help out.After school I returned home. I wasgreatly moved by this...


Hope for the future 寄希望于未来 1.Liu Sanzi is an eight-year-old boy fome a village in Hunan Province.His parents want him to drop out of school.It's important for him to work on their farm because there are seven people in Liu's family and they are very poor.刘三子是...


“希望工程”是支助农村地区教育的一种很好的方法。如今,只有一少部分孩子通过“希望工程”获益(作文地带建议:此句翻译为'从中获益'也是可以的。)As is known to all, China has the largest population in the world and most of them live in the countryside. Since the economic conditions there...

批准了他为希望工程筹款的计划 英文应该怎么翻译

I approve his plan to donate for the Project Hope.


hope .现在,在希望工程的帮助下,他们可以去上学了.3. with this money , project hope has built many schools and libraries .有了这些钱,希望工程建立了许多学校与图书馆.4. because of project hope , thousands of children have better lives .多亏了希望工程,成千的孩子过上了较好的生活....


has raiseda fund more than 200 million Yuan accumulations rescues to be out ofschool the girl nearly million people, the spring thunder class forgirls rescues 100000 to be out of school, discontinues studies thegirl to go study Sichuan has also established " The girleducates 促...

希望工程英语作文 给希望工程捐款的英文 希望工程的英语 希望工程用英语怎么说 希望工程 工程英文 希望工程的意义 希望工程是什么 希望工程为什么停止
狗狗吃饭为什么夹尾巴 平顶山公交几路到华延四季城 为什么狗狗夹紧尾巴 从新城区到光明路华延四季城怎么走 狗害怕时尾巴如何 您好,请问支原体感染。克拉霉素管用吗? 肺支原体阳性怎么治 为什么狗狗紧张自己的尾巴 狗狗害怕为什么夹尾巴 怎么上传文件创建下载地址 很多人通过希望工程来给那些贫穷的孩子门捐钱.这句怎么用英文写 ...你参加过公益活动吗?如:访问养老院,捐助希望工程等,请参加一次这样... 李先生很慷慨,捐钱给希望工程 用英文enough怎么说 李先生很慷慨,捐钱给希望工程 用英文怎么说 我的电动车原来是电喇叭,12V,1.5A,现在想更换成蜗牛喇叭,12V,2.5A,可... ...一个12v的刹车喇叭飞机声,但它响的声音很小是什么原因 金长城电动车喇叭 被我换成摩托车的12V 1.5A的怎么不响啊? 智能手机扩展内存选32还是64G?陀螺仪要有吗?一般的品牌机都有隔空翻 ... 我现在很矛盾一件事儿一边是我儿子一边是我最爱的人只能二选一 ...了两个儿子的男人心中,是自己的小家,老婆儿子重要,还是自己的妹妹重 ... 如果二选一儿子和对像你会选择那个? 儿子重要还是男朋友重要 老婆和儿子、二选一,男人会选谁 咸宁华钦养殖有限公司怎么样? 苹果15.5系统怎么样? 苹果13系统15 pdf怎么找字? 西游记拍摄瀑布在哪里 十部最好看的电影推荐(最好看的全球十大高智商烧脑电影) 经济补偿未签劳动合同补偿是什么? ...2 7 捐给希望工程,两人捐钱数相比( ) A.小宇多 B. 以"战胜挫折" 为主题的事实论据 广州禁养金毛吗 能不能在广州养 广州海珠可以养大型犬吗 广州可以养可卡犬吗 广州可以养杜宾犬吗 广州可以养秋田犬吗 多少钱一只 广州市禁养犬名单2024新规定 大华锦绣华城十街区怎么样?好不好?值不值得买? 150ml按压式洗面奶过高铁安检会怎么样? 乘高铁禁止携带哪些物品150ml按压式洗面奶能带上高铁吗 甘肃皇台酒有哪些酿造技术? 皇台酒的特点是什么啊? 饮用甘肃皇台酒时需要注意什么? 女生身高168体重116斤胖吗 女人莲花是什么? 水晶功效与作用大全 水晶选购方法 水晶幻想RPG水晶获取大全全颜色水晶获取方法分享 如何选择离心管 10ml离心管有多重?