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...t say...很好听,不知道叫什么名字,没办法搜索,有谁知道的?_百度知 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 13:26



热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 01:05

you can't say]

作曲:jarvis lamb
you can't say
you can't dream
you can't dream

热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 01:03

You Can t Say

Lyrics:Bill Lamb Music:John Jarvis

You can say all things must end
You can smile and even pretend
And you can turn and walk away so easily
But you can t say, you don t love me anymore
You can dream of what might have been
You can cry for what won t pass again
And you can say there s every reason you should leave
But you can t say, you don t love me anymore
You can say, I m right you re wrong
You can make your plans to find somebody else
But I can t believe you can carry on
We know what should be said
But you can t find the worlds Instead you say
All things must end You can smile and even pretend
And you can turn and say you re leaving me for good
But you can t say, you don t love me anymore
And you can turn and say you re leaving me for good
But you can t say, you don t love me
First just say, you don t love me anymore

热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 01:06

- -是不是一个女声唱的?很悲伤的旋律?而且整首歌都很悲伤?
hear me cry

you couldn't say
needed someone new
you actually thought
deep inside i knew
can you tell me how can you say
why this should suffice
you passed me by
and your heart as cold as ice (you passed me by)
did you see me cry (did you ask yourself why)
did you see me cry (did you ask yourself how)
can you hear me cry (did you ask yourself)
will we ever grew apart
you, you couldn't say
needed someone new
and you actually thought
deep inside i knew
i wonder where we will go
will we be the same (you passed me by)
i laugh inside i think of you
and the love we made (you passed me by)
tell me why this should suffice
i hold you through the night
now will i let it go
soon i'll let it go
can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself why)
can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself how)
can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself)
will we ever grow apart
you, i'll stand by your side
i'll be there for you (you passed me by)
you, i'll stand by your side
please just do me right (you passed me by)
you, i'll stand by your side
i'll be there for you

热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 01:05

you couldn't say
needed someone new
you actually thought
deep inside i knew
can you tell me how can you say
why this should suffice
you passed me by
and your heart as cold as ice (you passed me by)
did you see me cry (did you ask yourself why)
did you see me cry (did you ask yourself how)
can you hear me cry (did you ask yourself)
will we ever grew apart
you, you couldn't say
needed someone new
and you actually thought
deep inside i knew
i wonder where we will go
will we be the same (you passed me by)
i laugh inside i think of you
and the love we made (you passed me by)
tell me why this should suffice
i hold you through the night
now will i let it go
soon i'll let it go
can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself why)
can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself how)
can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself)
will we ever grow apart
you, i'll stand by your side
i'll be there for you (you passed me by)
you, i'll stand by your side
please just do me right (you passed me by)
you, i'll stand by your side
i'll be there for you

热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 01:03

you can't say 韩剧爱上女主播主题曲

you can't say
you can say all things must end
you can smile and even pretend
and you can turn and walk away so easily
but you can't say, you don't love me anymore
you can dream of what might have been
you can cry for what won't pass again
and you can say there's every reason you should leave
but you can't say, you don't love me anymore
you can say, i'm right you're wrong
you can make your plans to find somebody else
but i can't believe you can carry on
we know what should be said
but you can't find the worlds instead you say
all things must end you can smile and even pretend
and you can turn and say you're leaving me for good
but you can't say, you don't love me anymore
and you can turn and say you're leaving me for good
but you can't say, you don't love me
first just say, you don't love me anymore

感觉头很重,觉得脖子支撑不起,是 什么 原因? 晚餐后血糖六点六低不低 我妈六十七岁血糖在不吃药的情况下空腹是六点六,请问用吃药诊断吗 ...发抖,脖子后面那个神经那里也会痛,然后支撑不住头这 长期加班不给加班费是否合法 抗雾涂层的镜片与普通的镜片相比有什么区别? 关于和平的诗句有哪些? 关于和平的诗句有哪些? 关于和平的诗句有哪些? 关于和平的诗句有哪些? 女人佩戴菩提子的好处 这种日记本的密码有办法重置吗 小学英语常见的英语单词反义词大汇总,一定要让孩子掌握! 苤蓝有哪些吃法可以分享? 现在是18岁刚刚中专毕业不知道要干啥一点理想一点打算都没有。 问... 快18岁了,中专毕业了,什么都不会,没想法,不知道去做什么好,很渺茫,都... 本人今年18岁了 文凭是中专毕业 还迷茫不知道做什么好 我想学做生意... 我是一个中专生,今年18岁,自己不晓得自己能做什么想过很多事都没有做... 电脑变的很卡怎么办 父亲偷拿儿子的车子去卖给私人犯法吗? 父亲砸儿子的车违法吗? AMD为苹果定制的Radeon Pro 5600M是否比Windows平台上的RX 5700M性能... Exynos 1000的GPU性能有多强? AMD Exynos GPU的基准测试真的能与苹果A14媲美吗? 2024年最火的古装电视剧 2024正在热播10部电视剧,最后一部《猎冰》必追,第一部高分公认好看_百 ... 2024年十大必看电视剧 好看电视剧排行 冷车测机油量是否正常? 风云2测量机油的正确方法 空间和腾讯微薄哪里发布的说说才能显示来自android触屏版和来自android... 评分最高的十部谍战剧,有你看过的也有你没看过的 我们是连锁店现在让变更为店长名下,这样对店长有没有啥不好? 为什么职位变了,人的看法也不一样? ...说我包汉堡包的不好。心里很伤心,店长对我态度也变了 谢谢店长的带领怎么说 冀东油田薪资高还是大港油田高 轻烃分布 一些人回答问题之后为什么要匿名呢? 思科AIR-AP3802I-H-K9无线AP的性能参数和适用场景如何? 家里装修,筹划ac+ap组网,锐捷的型号推荐? ...眯着拉白屎吃了土霉素也没有用,吃了阿莫西林,没用 ...最近在拉稀,按照宠物店里教的吃土霉素都没有效果,各位猫友该怎么办... 狗狗刚开始拉肚子之后给他喂了两天的阿莫西林跟土霉素没好转,就去... ...突然不吃东西还拉稀,中午喂它吃了土霉素,晚上反而更严重了,谁有管用... 2个半月的罗威。拉稀10天了。吃土霉素没用。刚拉了一坨。就那种软软的... 我一般玩游戏,是1T机械硬盘还是120G固态硬盘好呢 在移动硬盘上玩steam游戏买多大的够用,固态盘和机械盘区别大不大 莪有个120G(IDE)接口缓存2M 想买个固态硬盘有什么影响没 无线讲解器有哪些靠谱点的公司?