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i should thank you rather than that you should ...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 17:03




谢谢你——thank you thank you 发音:英 [ˈθæŋk juː]美 [ˈθæŋk juː]翻译:谢谢感谢;感激谢谢 ; 谢谢你 短语搭配 I will thank you to do something 拜托,请 thank you for 谢谢你为;感谢您为;感谢你为 thank you for your help...






The reason why I want to choose the medical treatment is that I am tremendously kind and I want to assist others even I do not need the return, only do I want to help others rather than I am motivated by money. So, I want to study medical. Personally speaking, I deem that medical ...




Besides, it is more useful to work —— you produce something rather than more anxiety or depression. 本段的主题句是段首句。本段的两个推展句均不能回答主题句中提出的问题。什么是“a mind in turmoil”(心境不平静)Physical work又如何能改变这种情况?为什么它能起therapy的作用?读者得不到明确的答案...


结束语部分:Please e and join in it.Everybody is wele to attendit.I hope you'll have a nice timehere.That's all. Thank you. 三、议论文模板1.正反观点式议论文模板 导入: 第1段:Recently we've had a discussion about whether weshould。 (导入话题)Our opinions are divided on thistopic.(...

急求关于civil-rights heroes(人权斗争领袖)的英文介绍,大概300词左右...

That light was part of his charge? Was it not? He answered in a low voice,--'Don't you know it is?' The monstrous thought came into my mind, as I perused the fixed eyes and the saturnine face, that this was a spirit, not a man. I have speculated since, whether there may ...


5 D 最后进行“总结”6 D of which=where 7 D “我宁愿我朋友没做这件愚蠢的事”(虚拟语气)8 C “It”强调句加that 9 B 10 A "depend on",所以on提前变成“on which"哦,天啊,高考完快一个月不做了,有点生疏,可能正确率不高,当参考吧,哈哈,丢人啦~~



not rather than rather than but rather than加什么 rather than等于什么 rather than后面接什么 rather than 的用法 rather to do rather than例句 rather than翻译
我要买车,本人男,30出头,预购三厢车,价格11-14之间,高人推荐一下? 瘦肚子瘦最快方法 怎么瘦肚子 新手买车咨询,男生,身高185cm,10万元的预算,包括各种税险等,想购置三厢... 对方把朋友圈设置了部分人可见,但我见不到,是不是不把我当成好朋友了... 想买车了,10万左右的三厢手动挡,POLO劲取.奔腾B50.新宝来.哪个好呢... 2024年阴历8月哪天适合提车 外甥结婚第一年还给压岁钱,第二年不给了好吗 压岁钱可以第二年比前一年发的少吗?比如第一年给三千,后来给一千或者五 ... 2023年农历正月属羊人最吉利的提车日子本月哪天宜买车上牌? 结婚黄道吉日2023年8月适合属羊人办喜事的日子查询? rather than 的用法? 【急!】would rather...than和would...rather tha... 有关rather的短语!!! 用rather than造句及翻译 rather than 后面能接名词么 rather than 后面接动词原形还是动名词 rather和than的用法!!! 请问:关于rather than的用法? rather than 后面接动词原形,还是动名词? rather than做"而不是"讲,后面接doing ,还是do,还... she prefers to die rather than that would rather than that 后跟从句是什么从句 rather than的用法 rather that和rather than的用法,网工考试的英语... ...rather than that of railway authorities 这儿... rather than什么的用法 rather than 与rather...than的区别 rather than怎么用 rather than that 国际大品牌化妆品都有哪些 二、三极管在电路板起到什么作用? lazada东南亚的亚马逊 是一个怎样的网站 马来西亚直播平台排名 求幼儿园设计图? 画幼儿园设计图啊!每个班还有厕所? 幼儿园装修要注意什么?幼儿园装修效果图 幼儿园装修设计理念是什么? CAD怎么设计幼儿园 六班幼儿园设计图纸,平面图立面图剖面图CAD图加效... 幼儿园怎么装修设计? 幼儿园应该怎样设计 幼儿园设计有哪些 幼儿园设计内容大全 幼儿园班级活动区域的设计 2018幼儿园小班环创设计意图 幼儿园的设计有什么需要注意什么 幼儿园设计应该考虑哪些问题 幼儿园想重新装修设计,想自己动手设计,有没有推... 三极管在电路中的作用 拆开悦刻烟弹换油会有影响吗 悦刻五代烟弹正确装法