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求翻译 中译英 复制粘贴就免了。如译的好,追送高分。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 21:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 14:47

J. D. Salinger是美国20世纪著名作家。《麦田里的守望》是塞林格唯一的一*篇,虽然只有十几万字,它却在美国社会上和文学界产生过巨大影响。1951年,这部小说一问世,立即引起轰动。主人公的经历和思想在青少年中引起强烈共鸣,受到读者,特别是大中学生的热烈欢迎。他们纷纷模仿主人公霍尔顿的装束打扮,讲“霍尔顿式”的语言,因为这部小说道出了他们的心声,反映了他们的理想、苦闷和愿望。《麦田里的守望者》之所以能产生如此重大的影响,很重要的一点还由于作者创造了一种新颖的艺术风格。全书通过第一人称,以一个青少年的口吻叙述了自己的所思所想、所见所闻和行为举止,也以一个青少年的眼光批判了*世界的虚伪面目和欺骗行径。作者以细腻深刻的笔法剖析了主人公的复杂心理,不仅抓住了他的理想与现实冲突这一心理加以分析,而且也紧紧抓住了青少年青春期的心理特点来表现主人公的善良纯真和荒诞放纵。

J . D. Salinger is an American famous writer of the twentieth Century. " The catcher in the Rye" is Salinger 's only novel, though only ten words, it is in American society and literature have a tremendous impact. In 1951, the novel was published, immediately caused a sensation. The protagonist experiences and ideas among young people has aroused strong response, readers, particularly students a warm welcome. They imitate the protagonist Holton dress, speak of " Holton" in the language, because the novel out of their voice, they reflect the ideals and aspirations of depression. " The catcher in the Rye" is able to have such a significant impact, a very important point because the author has created a new style of art. Book through the first person, with a young voice narrated his own thinking, what one sees and hears and behavior, but also to a young alt world vision criticized the hypocrisy and deceit. The exquisite deep technique analyzes the hero complex psychological, not only to seize his conflict of ideal and reality the psychological analysis, but also seize the psychological characteristics of adolescents to characters' innocent and fantastic inlgence.


Based on the analysis of" the catcher in the Rye", expounds the juvenile growth in the course of the main problems and reasons about oneself: about death. The hero of the novel in the first person tells the story of his departure from home to school just seven days to see and think, social various people and things let hero out of breath, he didn't want to associate oneself with undesirable elements to find the solution. So he is more like a child, he think that children are the most innocent. Like his sister Phoebe. He was afraid that one day these simple child will grow up one day will become hypocritical and hateful appearance, so he wants to protect them, as a catcher in the rye. To protect these children. This is also the author of writing this novel purpose.


" The catcher in the Rye" is Salinger's great masterpiece. The theme of it to the development of youth has important guiding role and reference. This work will undoubtedly represents a spirit of the times, ushered in an era of style, for the twentieth Century real literature adds luster.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 14:48

J. D. Salinger is well-known 20th century American writer. "The Catcher in the Rye" Salinger is only a long, although only 100,000 characters, it has on society and literature in the United States have had a great impact. In 1951, the birth of the novel, and immediately caused a sensation. The hero's experiences and ideas among young people caused a strong response by the readers, especially high school students a warm welcome. They imitate the hero Holden clothing dress, speak, "Holden" type of language, because the novel tells of their voices, reflecting their ideals, and aspirations of depression. "The Catcher in the Rye" has been able to proce such a significant impact, it is important also because the author has created a new artistic style. The book by the first person to describe the tone of a youth by his own thoughts, observations and behavior, but also a vision of young people criticized the alt world of hypocrisy and deception practices. The author analyzes the delicate brushwork profound psychological complexity of the hero, not only to seize his ideal and reality to analyze the psychological conflict, but also seize the psychological characteristics of young adolescent to express the absurdity of the hero's innocence and goodness inlgence.
Papers by "Catcher in the Rye," the analysis described in the growth process of young people to encounter major problems and causes: on their own about death. First-person novel about the hero from his home just seven days to leave school and think of the seen, all the hypocrisy of people and things in society so that the hero of breath, but he did not want evil deeds can not find a solution. Therefore, he prefers a child, he thought a child is the most simple. Such as his sister Phoebe. He is afraid that one day these children one day simply become hypocritical and hateful, president of the General Assembly, so he wanted to protect them, do a Catcher in the Rye. Guardian of these children. This is exactly the purpose of the author writing the novel.
"Catcher in the Rye" Salinger is a great masterpiece. The theme for the young people it has an important role in guiding the growth and learn. This work certainly represents a spirit of the times, creating a style of an era for the reality of the 20th century, literature has added luster

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 14:48

Such as title, JD Salinger is well-known 20th century American writer. "The Catcher in the Rye" Salinger is only a long, although only 100,000 characters, it has on society and literature in the United States have had a great impact. In 1951, the birth of the novel, and immediately caused a sensation. The hero's experiences and ideas among young people caused a strong response by the readers, especially high school students a warm welcome. They imitate the hero Holden clothing dress, speak, "Holden" type of language, because the novel tells of their voices, reflecting their ideals, and aspirations of depression. "The Catcher in the Rye" has been able to proce such a significant impact, it is important also because the author has created a new artistic style. The book by the first person to describe the tone of a youth by his own thoughts, observations and behavior, but also a vision of young people criticized the alt world of hypocrisy and deception practices. The author analyzes the delicate brushwork profound psychological complexity of the hero, not only to seize his ideal and reality to analyze the psychological conflict, but also seize the psychological characteristics of young adolescent to express the absurdity of the hero's innocence and goodness inlgence.
Papers by "Catcher in the Rye," the analysis described in the growth process of young people to encounter major problems and causes: on their own about death. First-person novel about the hero from his home just seven days to leave school and think of the seen, all the hypocrisy of people and things in society so that the hero of breath, but he did not want evil deeds can not find a solution. Therefore, he prefers a child, he thought a child is the most simple. Such as his sister Phoebe. He is afraid that one day these children one day simply become hypocritical and hateful, president of the General Assembly, so he wanted to protect them, do a Catcher in the Rye. Guardian of these children. This is exactly the purpose of the author writing the novel.
"Catcher in the Rye" Salinger is a great masterpiece. The theme for the young people it has an important role in guiding the growth and learn. This work certainly represents a spirit of the times, creating a style of an era for the reality of the 20th century, literature has added luster.





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