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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 16:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 01:03

  Psychological and first aid knowledge lecture held by math school

  In December 6th ,7 o'clock at night,the second class of the mathematics and statistics school 's class student cadre training class lecture was held in science and Technology Building.
  Zhang Jinyuan ,the director of College Students' development and Research Center and Li Shaorui ,doctor of the University Hospital Department of health served as the guest speaker.

  Wang wenzhong,vice secretary of the Party branch of math and statistics school and Lin zhendong, Qiu qiang ,worked in the Department of student work management ,Guo Chen who are the instructor of undergraate presented the lecture.the lecture was hosted by the school committee Liu xin.
  The theme of the lecture is " to improve the psychological quality, to live a happy life. " Firstly Mr zhang stated his analysis of the cause of several accidents happened in our school recently and attached importance on student's ability of facing such problem and handling it.Secondly he explained the psychological status of college's students,the truth of the psychological crisis and ten misunderstanding of psychological crisis in life.Then He talked about ten clues to find out the psychological crisis.At last ,he mentioned some Currently common psychotherapy theory and related technology.
  Li Shaorui ,who worked in the school hospital gave a lecture about first-aid knowledge.He mainly talked about the most common and most practice method of giving first-aid--------Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.With his detailed explanation and the nurse displaying the practice of Cardiopulmonary resuscitation again and again,most students presented had got a good commend of those knowledge of giving first-aid as well as how to do with emergency.
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