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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 14:30



热心网友 时间:2024-02-02 04:34

Have many songs depicting the Chinese national minority and folk custom festival naturally as national musical instruments , lute. "The Yi nationality , distributed over Yunnan , Sichuan and Guizhou dance music " be one of model. The Yi nationality , distributed over Yunnan , Sichuan and Guizhou scatters mainly in Chinese southwest area , they can sing and dance well, every arrives at festival's the city surrounds the village people in the evening, in dancing by the side of the bonfire. Young fellows may take advantage of dance expressing Aiyi to the girl, if the girl promises together to dance with him, will explain that the girl has accepted the other party's love. But one takes off whenever the Yi nationality , distributed over Yunnan , Sichuan and Guizhou people is able to be pulling the visitor to come distance at this time, group dancing, has explained that everybody already is one family. "The Yi nationality , distributed over Yunnan , Sichuan and Guizhou dance music " exactly be the scene depicting festival li of the Yi nationality , distributed over Yunnan , Sichuan and Guizhou people dancing. Extending the gentle part is to write girls dancing carriage very pretty and charming slim and graceful , the part vigorous and forcible is to write young fellows sun dance just brave and powerful , final a everybody's merry enthusiastic takeoff dance. Varied and graceful being compared with each other in the Yi nationality , distributed over Yunnan , Sichuan and Guizhou dance, Xinjiang people is especially overflowing with enthusiasm. "Give you one rose " be one Xinjiang folk song, writing is that the young fellow gives a lovely girl gorgeous one rose.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-02 04:35

As a national instrument, the pipa and a lot about China's ethnic minorities and folk song festivals. "Dance of the Yi Tribe" is a typical one. Yi people are mainly distributed in China's southwest region, they Nenggeshanwu, each to the festive evening, the village people will be next to dance around the campfire. Boys will use dance to express her love, if she agreed to dance with him, that she accepted the other's love. And every At this time, the Yi people will be holding the tourists from afar to join jump Jiti Wu that we have is a person. "Yi Dance" is described in the festival of the Yi people dance scene.Stretch the soft part is written girls Enuoozi the lightweight dance, Gangjin is a strong part of their masculine brave man to write the dance, everyone Tiaoqi final warm joyful dance. Dance of the Yi compared with colorful, more people in Xinjiang unrestrained enthusiasm. "Give you a Rose" is a Xinjiang folk song, written by a young girl gave the beloved one of the beautiful roses.
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