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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 14:20



热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 03:43

Resource saving, water with caution
Water, is the source of life. However, throughout the world, millions of people are confronted with the shortage of water, there are millions of children die every yearof water-borne diseases, some of the poorest countries suffer periodic droughtsuffering. In China rural about 30000000 people drinking water problems, in thecity, water shortage is a serious water shortage city, more than 400, a serious shortage of water more than 110, the water volume is 16000000 cubic meters.
Hearing this, what do you feel?
We can not help but think of the phrase warning saying: if we don't save water, do not cherish the precious water resource, so the last drop of water on earth is likely to be our tears.
Water conservation, sustainable utilization of water resource, is our common cause, is our common responsibility. But, as the new century, young, we save water?
When you came to wash their hands, hear the deep sigh of water;
When you came to wash clothes, if they could see the blue sky water shed tears of sadness;
When you came to bathe, whether seen millions of drops painful passage;
When you came to flush the toilet, hear water anger;
When you walk through a crashed a leaking faucet, if it feels that the dry lifeworried face!
Water is the source of life!
Is the water, so that more green.
Is the water, let flowers bloom.
Is the water, make the trees grow tall and straight.
Is the water, to create a civilized, nourishing all things.

Forest and mankind, is mankind's intimate partners, is an important part of the global ecological system. If there is no forest land, most biological extinction, the vast majority of water will flow into the sea; the oxygen in the atmosphere will rece, carbon dioxide will increase; the temperature can significantly increased,flood and drought disasters occur frequently. The forest, but also can improve the air quality, rece soil loss, water conservation, rece the hazards of sand storms,rece noise pollution, beautify the environment and so on.
The present situation of the forest, a lot of people do not know. Please see --"countless tractors, bulldozers rumbled, countless trees fell to the ground. The animal is scared, plots of land were bulldozed flat.
This is the human behavior? Love forest! Action bar! Deforestation deforestation forest is human folly, then do not do the harm descendants thing. We must protect the existing forest resources!
让呼吸在绿色中流畅,让土地在根系间凝聚! 今天你吃了森林,明天沙漠就会吃了你。 为子孙后代留下蓝天碧水绿地!
Let the breath flowing in green, let the land to condense on the root! You eat desertforest today, tomorrow will eat you. Left for future generations, blue sky and green land!
Let us work together to save water! Let life history!
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