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中国乒乓球 英语短文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 18:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 23:17

The History of Table Tennis 乒乓球的历史

Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion. Descending, along with lawn tennis and badminton, from the ancient medieval game of tennis. It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names such as Gossima and Whiff-Whaff. After the name Ping-Pong (an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats that were used) was introced by J. Jaques & Son, the game became a fashionable craze. 语言点:

1. SIMOL: same old 的缩写。 美国口语。

2. Freak: 某项活动的痴迷者。

3. Serve: 发球。

4. First round: 第一局

5. be qualified to do sth: 有资格,有能力做……

6. Come on: 口语中的意思是:少来了! 朋友之间调侃

7. kid: 这里是动词,意思是玩弄,耍弄。“don t kid me”口语翻译成“别涮我……”

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 23:17

Playing Pingpong-打乒乓球


Playing Pingpong
Our classmates played pingpong well. Sometimes I also wanted to play with them. But I couldn't play it. Then my best friend, Xiao Qi, taught me patiently to play it. After a period, I could play pingpong together with my classmates.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 23:18

Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion. Descending, along with lawn tennis and badminton, from the ancient medieval game of tennis. It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names such as Gossima and Whiff-Whaff. After the name Ping-Pong (an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats that were used) was introced by J. Jaques & Son, the game became a fashionable craze.
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