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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 17:49



热心网友 时间:2023-08-01 17:23

卓效提升肌肤对紫外线和环境伤害的天然修护能力,雅诗兰黛特润修护露即时减少细纹和皱纹,同时消除90%损害肌肤的游离基,抵御早衰迹象。突破性的元素,防止肌肤被环境侵害。增进肌肤自然修护功能,减少细纹及皱纹出现,效果显著。具保护及修护作用的配方能帮助皮肤对抗环境的污染,加强皮肤自我修补功能,持续使用雅诗兰黛特润修护露可令幼纹及皱纹减少达40% ,皮肤的滋润度增加达84%。
Estee LauderAdvanced Night Repair Protective Recovery Complex 15ml
This coveted serum helps repair the look of past UV and environmental damage. Contains patented technology that's clinically proven to rece the look of wrinkles by up to 40% while it neutralizes up to 90% of skin-damaging free radicals.
Immediately, you'll see healthier-looking skin, with vital moisture restored. By night, it uses the body's natural rhythm of renewal to help repair visible signs of aging and speed recovery from UV and environmental damage. By day, it neutralizes environmental irritants before they can affect skin's appearance.
Advanced Night Repair has also been proven to build up skin's natural resistance to future damage. Regular users attest to the remarkable soothing and repair powers. That also makes it a wise choice when preparing for or rebounding from an invasive cosmetic procere.
Think of it as your insurance for younger, healthier-looking skin, today and tomorrow.
Dermatologist-, Ophthalmologist-tested.
Apply several drops all over face and throat after cleansing, AM and PM. Smooth gently into skin. Follow with your moisturizer as desired. When using Advanced Night Repair with another repair/anti-aging formula, apply it before Idealist or Perfectionist.
This little brown bottle holds your skin's future in a truly revolutionary formula.
- It reactivates natural enzyme activity, boosting skin's ability to repair its appearance.
- A unique 2-in-1 complex delivers 24-hour recovery and protection from environmental damage.
- Special anti-oxidant ingredients neutralize up to 90% of free radicals before they can harm skin's appearance, and build a rich anti-oxidant reserve as further protection. Because, after all, research shows it is free radical and other environmental damage--not time--that can cause up to 80% of the visible signs of aging.
- Delivers advanced levels of hydration with long-proven hyaluronic acid--nature's moisture magnet. A clinical test proves skin's level of moisturization increases dramatically and cumulatively with continued use. Dramatically enhances your moisturizer's effectiveness.

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