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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 17:44



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 02:37

At the moment nobody showed any interest or sympathy for me, and nobody could understand the feeling of being forgotten, I was someone who weighs nothing, and could not acccept being like that. I swear to be the most extrodinary one, to gain people's recgnition. I will go straight forward and will never breach my oath. When you have worked 120 percent hard, success or failure is not as important any more.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 02:38

At that moment I sympathize with me, nobody spoke, nobody could understand I was all indifference, all people in their eyes, I is a dispensable, I can't accept that. I will become the most outstanding people, get the approval, no against his oath, straight ahead. When you pay 120 percent, success is not so important

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 02:38

At that moment , nobody spoke to me , also no one showed his/her
sympathy to me . Nobody could understand my feelings that ignored by them .In their eyes , I'm a dispensable person .So ,
I can't accept myself like this . Then I vowed to myself : I must become the excellent person , and get everyong's approval , never breach my own vow , go straight forward . At last , you will find the sucess or failure is no longer important , when
you pay 120 percent effort .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 02:39

Just at the moment everyone left me alone cruelly,with nobody know my feeling of being deserted.In their viewpoint,I am just a nobody.I can't accept this.I pledge to be the most excellent one and win everyone over and stick to the end.If you pay absolute effort to do it,it doesn't matter whether you succeed or not.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 02:40


At that moment I sympathize with me, nobody spoke, nobody could understand I was all indifference, all people in their eyes, I was a dispensable person, I can't accept myself. I will become the most outstanding people, get the approval, no against his oath, straight ahead. When you pay 120 percent efforts, success is not so important anymore.

you are my life.注:这是我在学校学的,一个美国男生教我的。跟机器没关。


success or failure is not as important any more.


请 认真答答题,希望能帮到你。(累死宝宝了)在此输入您的回答


baby, if l have done something wrong,please don't be angry at me !非机器,希望能帮助你!!(*^__^*)


example, introduced a navigation signal simulation model, control IFR2030 dynamically generated radio frequency signal generator analog signals, a typical validation navigation receiver auto calibration test.I can be English, using machine translation, do not come, a waste of your time ...


英文:I'm sorry. It is our fault. This is our new service providers, may still not familiar to us, to give you trouble, they will contact you tomorrow, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me,thank you! Also ask what invoices and contracts when can I?


Not all the people are qualified to say so /that kind of words .


Your payment (RMB 8000)has reached us. However , it cost much when the bank charged for it . Is there any other possible way to solve such a problem ?The number of us is MN001. Do please use it when you wire to us .Maybe it would reduce the charge by the bank....


2、bob的意思是上下(或来回)快速摆动;跃起。所以这句话的意思是:学会在水中快速游动。(可能是学花样游泳)3、应该是blow out all your air,直译是“吹出去你所有的空气”,这句话:使劲全力呼救!4、让你的胳膊和腿悬挂的自然些。(PS:我猜这是在拍个性毕业照么?或者是拍电影)5、当你...


【译文】:在市中心有个自由市场,被称为:“废物与宝物”,在那里无论任何人都可以买卖东西,可说是从废弃物到有价值的二手物件应有尽有。每逢星期日都会举办,而价格通常都很低。很多人都纷纷前往该市场,去试试自己的运气如何。My home is not far from there. Sometimes I can even hear the ...

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