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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 17:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 20:22

通过有道翻译,正确英文是:South Korea from a tea culture and its birth have special Buddhism. In the era of the ghost by Buddhism also introce the temple for tea. Therefore, the buddhist culture and South Korea inherent culture combined with Korean formed the tea ceremony and the temple tea culture. This paper mainly discusses the ancient history of tea on South Korea and Buddhism of the edge. The zen tea culture, and combining with the literature was that the social custom of tea drinking. This paper used the massive literature material, combed the South Korea the origin of ancient Korea and tea culture, tea culture to the main temple development of development and detailed analysis. Scholars to the tea poetry, tea word to recreate South Korea ancient tea event, combed the South Korea tea culture origin.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 20:22

Han Guocha culture from the birth and Buddhism has an indissoluble bound. In the Xinluo times by Buddhism also introce Temple tea culture. Therefore, the Buddhist tea culture and Korea inherent culture combine to form the Korean tea ceremony and monastic tea culture. This paper mainly discusses the ancient Korean history of tea and Buddhism 's edge. Zen tea culture, combined with the literature, indicating that social drinking customs. This article uses the massive literature material, combed Han Guocha culture origin and ancient culture of Han Guocha, to the temple of tea culture evolution and development are analyzed in detail. To the men of literature and writing the poem word, tea, intended to recreate the ancient Korean tea event, combing the Han Guocha culture origin.
Buddhism culture; Han Guocha; poem; tea monk
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