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英语 求助 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-09 19:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 06:27

If you wait any longer you will risk ___missing______ your train.

When he was asked if he had ever been __taken prisoner_____, he refused to answer the question.

He was seriously wounded, but Bettie, with the help of the doctor, finally __brought him through___.

Perhaps you shouldn’t __set aside ____ Tom’s suggestion.

She made the doctor __write out____ a list of the medical items he needed.

I didn’t hear _ what he said___ because there was too much noise.

Put on your coat, ____or______ you’ll catch cold.

The sudden snowstorm ring the night __confirmed ____ my decision not to leave.

The police _charged ____ the driver with drunken driving.

__At first _______ I thought he was joking, but then I realized he was serious.

Our train is ____sure___ in Beijing at 9 a.m.

If our neighbor continues to refuse to keep his dog under control, we have to take him to ___court_____.

__If he is good given health _____, he can finish the work in a couple of weeks.

He was __compelled_____ by illness to drop out of school.

I prefer to work in an _ urban____ environment where there are good libraries and cultural facilities.

Tom started as an engineering student, but he __switched to____ English because he liked it.

Many young girls like to _take notes______ for recording their private thoughts and feelings.

She wrote articles and ___sent them off _______ to the Evening Paper.

She took detailed ___notes_____ of what the teachers had discussed at the meeting.

_To leave college _____ because I was tired of learning.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 06:28

If you wait any longer you will risk _________ your train.

When he was asked if he had ever been __________, he refused to answer the question.
taken prisoner

He was seriously wounded, but Bettie, with the help of the doctor, finally _________.
brought him through

Perhaps you shouldn’t __________ Tom’s suggestion.
brush aside

She made the doctor __________ a list of the medical items he needed.
write out

I didn’t hear __________ because there was too much noise.
what he said

Put on your coat, __________ you’ll catch cold.

The sudden snowstorm ring the night _________ my decision not to leave.

The police _________ the driver with drunken driving.

___________ I thought he was joking, but then I realized he was serious.
At first

Our train is __________ in Beijing at 9 a.m.

If our neighbor continues to refuse to keep his dog under control, we have to take him to ___________.

___________, he can finish the work in a couple of weeks.
Given good health

He was ___________ by illness to drop out of school.

I prefer to work in an _____ environment where there are good libraries and cultural facilities.

Tom started as an engineering student, but he __________ English because he liked it.
switched to

Many young girls like to __________ for recording their private thoughts and feelings.
keep a diary

She wrote articles and __________ to the Evening Paper.
sent them off

She took detailed __________ of what the teachers had discussed at the meeting.

_________ because I was tired of learning.
To leave college

1、Thank you. 谢谢。2、Thank you.应该是最普遍的表达感谢的语句了,与此意思相同的英文表达是Thanks。3、Thank you very much.非常感谢。4、在Thank you后面加上程度词,表达了对对方的感激程度之深。


1.want to see a movie 2.want to see Melodrama 3.expect to see news 4.plan to see sports program 5.never see the entertainment 6.In order to understand things from the news 纯属个人辛苦打出,本人英语还可以,望采纳!望采纳!


11-17 CBABC AC


1. belong to 2. can't be 3. Did use to 4. was interviewed 5. doesn't think could 6. too to be 7. What is 8. What did see 9. Whom might 10 .What could 还有吗?


whose,picnic,valuable,attend,sleepy,pink,noises,anybody,policmen,uneasy 请采纳~~


1lots of pressure 2.compete with 3.cut down 4.not until 5.think by myself 6.agree with 7.so that 8.successful happy 我尽力啦 差不多就这样


thank 读法:英 [θæŋk] 美 [θæŋk]释义:1、v.谢谢,感谢;责怪,把…归于 2、n.感谢,谢谢,道谢的话 词汇搭配:1、thank a lot多谢 2、thank enough充分地感谢 3、thank indeed真正地感谢 4、thank so much非常感谢 例句:Thank you for your kind ...


thanks,英 [θæŋks],美 [θæŋks]int. 谢谢 n. 谢谢(只用复数)thank用作名词必须用复数形式thanks,意思是“感谢,谢谢,道谢的话”。thank前可用many, best, a thousand修饰,也可说Thanks very much.Thanks awfully.或Thanks a lot.例句:Many thanks for giving us ...


英语求助 答案 1.为了提高我的英语水平,我希望做下列事情 I want to do the following things in order to improve my English.2.她的姐姐很漂亮,但不爱说话.Her sister is beautiful,but she's shy and quiet.

英语翻译短语 向...求助

向某人求助:ask sb for help;turn to sb for help。举例:He turned to me for hel.(他向我求助)To ask him for help was like asking a tiger for its skin.(向他求助无异于与虎谋皮)希望有帮到你,望采纳,谢谢!

谢谢你的帮助用英语怎么说 谢谢英语怎么说 谢谢大家用英语怎么说 我很好谢谢用英语怎么说 谢谢你用英语怎么说 求助英语 寻求帮助英语 非常感谢英语怎么说 感谢英语
...把其中任意三面分上、中、下挂在旗杆上表示不同信号,一共可以组成... 质能转换爱因斯坦的形象比喻 质能转换基本概念 如何制作美味的抹茶冰激凌? 在淘宝网上开游戏卡和手机充值卡的店怎么寻找货源?O(∩_∩)O谢谢 ...它们的直径的比是( ),周长的比是( ),面积的比是( )? 很急啊!_百度... ...比是5比3,半径比是多少,直径比是多少,面积比是多少,你发现了什么... ...周长比是5比3,半径比是(),直径比是(),面积比是()。 鸡肝煮多长时间 ...是5:3,他们的直径比是(),周长比是(),面积比是(),他们的周长与自己半... dhl爆仓英文怎么说 英语翻译 因为昨天的那条船超重并且爆舱,我们的货被甩了,只能走下一条船. 英文怎么说啊? 六成大学生因工作太简单辞职,这都是一种什么心态? 金融中的 爆仓 英语是什么? 辞职的心理准备 求推荐几首好听的英文歌?适合做mv的 清明是几月几号阳历2021 进出口通关中“暴仓”的英语单词是什么? 爆仓英语怎么说 爆舱英语怎么说 英文Star 什么意思 明星自检star四步代表什么 在就业指导中STAR每个字母分别代表什么 三十六只羊,九天要杀光,只杀单数不杀双,怎样杀? 有三十六只羊,每天只能杀单数,在九天要杀完,怎么了解? IQ题:一百头猪分九天杀完.每天杀单数,日日都要杀。问每天杀多少头猪? 36只羊9天杀完,但是每天只能杀单数不能杀双数,请问每天怎么杀? 有一百头猪要九天杀完,只能杀双不能杀单,一天要杀多少头? 诛仙2那个九天杀什么什么的称号怎么获得 36只羊赶到宰羊场杀单不杀双9天要杀光天天杀,一天杀几只? star开头的单词 辞职后,最不该有哪些情绪? 舱位爆舱 专业术语英文怎么说? running man各成员的经纪公司 在外贸船务中,爆仓用英文怎么表达? 由于船公司下周涨价,我们已经最大努力了,MSC这周爆舱(没舱位的意思),请指示。用英语怎么翻译 翻译英文:DHL货量增加并出现爆仓现象,到达DHL仓库均需排队等待卸货,因此上网和中转时效将有不同程 在线等翻译 专业海运货代英语翻译 从CDG转的航班爆仓,最早的航班要下周。目前安排的已经是最快的了 一声不响就辞职了是什么心态 【英文翻译】因为这几周PIL爆仓(over booking),所以我们这次订的是KMTC。 职场中辞职会出现哪些心理原因 找一个得过07还是08格莱美奖的女歌手 我看的是她的MV 没记住名字 英语翻译:由于最近一段时期船爆仓,所以无法订到足够的仓位。 发年终奖前几天辞职的人都是什么心态? 辞职后什么都不想做,这时候应该怎么样调整心态? 如果不想干一份工作了,是选择辞职还是调整心态继续做呢? 有哪些充满可爱感的无袖连衣裙推荐? 最近日本韩国好听的歌 。。推荐下吧 克雷格大卫 喜欢他的人来 介绍点歌手 国外的