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Lift Me Higher 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 08:11



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 02:11

歌曲名:Lift Me Higher
歌手:Kate Ryan

<lift me higher--3Dmark05 Remix>
Poets Of The Fall
Times when I just can\'t
Bring myself to say it loud
Fraid that what I\'ll say comes out somehow awry
That is when it seems
We move in circles day to day
Twist the drama of the play to get us by
And it feels like fear
Like I\'ll disappear
Gets so hard to steer
Yet I go on
Do we need debate
When it seems too late
Like I bleed but wait
Like nothing\'s wrong
You lift my spirit, take me higher, make me fly
Touch the moon up in the sky, when you are mine
You lift me higher, take my spirit, make it fly
Where all new wonders will appear
Like the other day
I thought you won\'t be coming back
I came to realize my lackluster dreams
And among the schemes
And all the tricks we try to play
Only dreams will hold their sway and defy
When it feels like fear
Like I\'ll disappear
Gets so hard to steer
Yet I go on
Do we need debate
When it seems too late
Like I bleed but wait
Like nothing\'s wrong
You lift my spirit, take me higher, make me fly
Touch the moon up in the sky, when you are mine
You lift me higher, take my spirit, make it fly
Where all new wonders will appear
You lift my spirit, take me higher, make me fly
Touch the moon up in the sky, when you are mine
You lift me higher, take my spirit, make it fly
Where all new wonders will appear

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