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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 05:23



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 12:13

The curriculum design to the need to complete a 51 centers combine microcontroller chip ADC signal acquisition and processing and display system circuit design case. In its schematic diagram of the use, the placement of electronic components, wire drawing, and the bus mapping, Network labeling the placement, and other operations. Also involved components of the load diagram testing, and other knowledge. Generation PCB and also involved the pin bundled components, the components contained, component layout, manual adjustments, PCB routing, Copper and many more. Meet teaching requirements, and requirements can be good training students of agility. Besides design is the MCU circuit, just for the completion of our SCM This is a review is a deepening understanding of SCM. 1. Experimental purposes : 1. PROTEL DXP learn to use the principle; 2. Electronic circuit design, Packaging components, circuit boards proced in principle, known CAD into the circuit, electronic circuit simulation. 2. Experimental main contents are : 1. Electronic circuits independently design and mapping diagram; 2. PCB proction version of the design, circuit simulation; 3. PROTEL DXP how to use the software; 4. of the existing software profound understanding to improve our own design, development, agility.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 12:13

The curriculum design to the need to complete a 51 centers combine microcontroller chip ADC signal acquisition and processing and display system circuit design case. In its schematic diagram of the use, the placement of electronic components, wire drawing, and the bus mapping, Network labeling the placement, and other operations. Also involved components of the load diagram testing, and other knowledge. Generation PCB and also involved the pin bundled components, the components contained, component layout, manual adjustments, PCB routing, Copper and many more. Meet teaching requirements, and requirements can be good training students of agility. Besides design is the MCU circuit, just for the completion of our SCM This is a review is a deepening understanding of SCM.
1.Experiment request
1).PROTEL DXP learn to use the principle;
2).Electronic circuit design, packaging components, circuit boards proced in principle, known circuit CAD introction, electronic circuit simulation.
2.Experimental main content
1).Electronic circuits independently design and mapping diagram;
2.PCB proction version of the design, circuit simulation;
3. PROTEL DXP how to use the software;
4. For the existing software profound understanding to improve our own design, development, agility.
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