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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 02:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 22:40

H:Heavy Machine Gun重机*
L:Laser Gun 激光*
G:Super Grenade 超级手雷(汗)
C:Enemy Chaser 跟踪导弹
I:Iron Lizard 铁蜥蜴
D:Drop Shot 弹力弹
R:Rocket Launcher 火箭发射器
F:Flame Shot 火焰喷射器
S:ShotGun 霰弹*

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 22:40

This is the master list for the cheats in Heli Attack 3, if they aren’t in here, they dont exist yet.

Remember, there are NO cheats for god mode, or unlimited ammo! This is so people cannot cheat the highscore board.

Cheat code : Result

iopred : Cute message
DayDream : Cute message
John Rambo : Unlocks Bow&Arrow
Old Faithful : Unlocks ChainGun (Found by Austinator)
Its a Jackal : Unlocks SniperRifle (Found by deathcharms)
This is my boomstick : Unlocks DoubleShotgun (Found by Patware)
Shrapnel : Unlocks FlakCannon (Found by Patware)
Follow the leader : Unlocks GuidedLauncher (Found by razer)
Moonshine : Unlocks DrunkenLauncher (Found by Dukeofme)
Gloop : Unlocks GooGun (Found by Sky-Fighter Ace)
9 Volt : Unlocks SparkPlug (Found by 24/7 Gamer)
Australians all let us rejoice : Unlocks Bladerang (Found by Shellman)
Alpha : Unlocks LaserRifle (Found by mastervb)
Beta : Unlocks AutoLaserRifle (Found by Ghundio)
Gamma : Unlocks LaserShotgun (Found by mastervb)
I dont have time to bleed : Unlocks Anytime (Found by ravenfrost)
Call in artillery : Unlocks Airstrike (Found by zell96740)
Missile launch detected : Unlocks ABombLauncher (Found by ravenfrost)
Bass in your face : Unlocks Soundwaave (Found by Patware)
Wash away the rain : Unlocks BlackHoleGenerator (Found by deathcharms)

Ive got jungle fever, shes got jungle fever : Unlocks Amazon Jungle (Found by iforgot2314)
Aint no mountain high enough : Unlocks Canyon Lands (Found by Patware)
Who rides the wrecking ball : Unlocks Underground Lab (Found by ndrd)

up up down down left right left right b a select start : Unlocks All Weapons (Found by deathcharms and bobbler)
You are the moon master : Unlocks All Levels

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 22:41


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 22:41

mission start 任务开始
mission accomplished 任务完成
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