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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 04:34



好二三四 时间:2022-07-11 22:35



MUSIC ARRANGEMENT & KEYBOARDS:Fernando Garibay/Ramiro Padilla/Danny Padilla


RECORDING ENGINEERS:Fernando Garibay/Ramiro Padilla/Danny Padilla


REMIX RECORDING STUDIO:Neon Future Cave, Las Vegas, NV

Mastering Producer:JJ LIN

Mastering Studio:Neon Future Cave, Las Vegas, NV

Mastering Engineer:Max Styler

Shouldnt walk on my own

Without you its so cold here

No ones lighting my phone up

Im a little obsessed

Maybe its hard to forget you

Get you off of my chest yeah

I I shouldnt be here

I I should be running to you Im coming

I lost my faith for a minute

Told everybody I was over you

We had nothing else to lose

I left myself unforgiven

Got to the edge of almost falling through

Almost walked away from you

But not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard I try

Not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard even harder Ill try

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Used to call myself strong

How did we get so far gone here

Buried under my flaws

I dont know if well have tomorrow

If were barely holding today

All of these seconds feel borrowed so late

I I shouldnt be here

I I should be running to you Im coming

I lost my faith for a minute

Told everybody I was over you

We had nothing else to lose

I left myself unforgiven

Got to the edge of almost falling through

Almost walked away from you

But not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard I try

Not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard even harder Ill try

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard I try

Not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard even harder Ill try

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

2、《Not Tonight》是由林俊杰与Steve Aoki合唱的歌曲,颠覆以往风格,掀起了激烈的“J型”电音热潮。

好二三四 时间:2022-08-21 09:02



MUSIC ARRANGEMENT & KEYBOARDS:Fernando Garibay/Ramiro Padilla/Danny Padilla


RECORDING ENGINEERS:Fernando Garibay/Ramiro Padilla/Danny Padilla


REMIX RECORDING STUDIO:Neon Future Cave, Las Vegas, NV

Mastering Producer:JJ LIN

Mastering Studio:Neon Future Cave, Las Vegas, NV

Mastering Engineer:Max Styler

Shouldnt walk on my own

Without you its so cold here

No ones lighting my phone up

Im a little obsessed

Maybe its hard to forget you

Get you off of my chest yeah

I I shouldnt be here

I I should be running to you Im coming

I lost my faith for a minute

Told everybody I was over you

We had nothing else to lose

I left myself unforgiven

Got to the edge of almost falling through

Almost walked away from you

But not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard I try

Not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard even harder Ill try

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Used to call myself strong

How did we get so far gone here

Buried under my flaws

I dont know if well have tomorrow

If were barely holding today

All of these seconds feel borrowed so late

I I shouldnt be here

I I should be running to you Im coming

I lost my faith for a minute

Told everybody I was over you

We had nothing else to lose

I left myself unforgiven

Got to the edge of almost falling through

Almost walked away from you

But not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard I try

Not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard even harder Ill try

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard I try

Not tonight

I cant leave you now

I cant leave you no

No matter how hard even harder Ill try

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

Not tonight

2、《Not Tonight》是由林俊杰与Steve Aoki合唱的歌曲,颠覆以往风格,掀起了激烈的“J型”电音热潮。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 04:48


林俊杰第十四张专辑《Like You Do 如你》第二首英文单曲《Not Tonight》今日凌晨上线!这是林俊杰第一次和世界前十大DJ Steve Aoki潮爷首次合作,强强联手的酷炫新单来袭,粉丝直呼上头!林俊杰直言叫not tonight的原因是在最想放弃的时候,告诉自己Not Tonight 今晚还不是倒下的时候!

在《Not Tonight》的MV中,也可窥见JJ独特的创作理念。MV在英文歌中置入充满东方色彩的场景,呈现出充满东方风情的画面。惊喜的是,重量级实力派演员凤小岳惊喜加盟男主角,与JJ饰演一对感情深厚的兄弟,看点满满。

回到歌曲制作本身,此次力邀Steve Aoki共同操刀,与他在EDM领域的超高造诣密不可分。提到"潮爷" Steve Aoki,相信大部分电音爱好者都不陌生,由他参与制作的《Melody》、《The Power Of Now》等电音作品火爆全球,成为各大电音节的热门表演曲目。在2019年, Steve Aoki成功登上全球百大DJ排行榜前十名,名副其实的顶级电音制作人。当华语流行天王遇上世界顶级电音制作人,《Not Tonight》质量水平可想而知。


听完后感觉,这简直是蹦迪神曲,一听到音乐就忍不住要跟着一起摇摆~国际质感,透过Steve Aoki的DJ-ing,更强烈与明亮的电音节奏,能量一触即发,打造迷幻且感性的氛围。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 04:49


热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 04:49


热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 04:50

雄安 为什么涨 中国对沙特,中国入球了吗 国足vs沙特首发是什么时候? 中国对沙特谁进的球 中国沙特阵容 河北雄县为什么这么火 河北雄县为什么火了 雄县 为什么突然这么火 为什么雄安新区这么火 总是听说好白菜都让猪拱了,到底是什么意思 速度与激情7刚开头赛车派对的歌曲 在哪里可以买到整套的自考教材 要干什么才能被Steve Aoki扔蛋糕 steve aoki出场费多少 林俊杰潮爷合作新歌 steve aoki身高多少? 公务员行测专项练习有用吗?能有效提高准确率和速度吗? 王绎龙是不是就是Steve Aoki? 为什么我搜王绎龙的百大排名然后答案那有张图片用红色线条圈着 为什么steve aoki那么火 公*。中公的 专项教材 和 专项题库,应该买哪一个好啊谢谢啊 防弹少年团 mic drop (steve aoki remix) mp3 下载,各位大神,谢啦 潮爷Steve Aoki为什么被成为潮爷 亲们,能否告知考公务员行测题目专项练习题库,在哪里能买到 潮爷Steve Aoki有多潮? steve aoki是日本人吗 Steve Aoki是日本人吗? 中公行测专项题库全是真题,还是是中公老师自行编写的,谢谢 请问行测做题 有什么好的题库吗? 练习行测应该买专项教材还是专项题库 古人用“廿”字所表示的数值是? 求防弹少年团《MIC Drop(Steve Aoki Remix)》。。。不要有那个外国人唱的 自考的教材可以在书店里买到吗?具体是什么书名啊? dim mak的衣服哪里有卖的啊 属于几线品牌? 什么价位? 愤怒的小鸟大电影里面的插曲,男声,曲风忧伤那个歌是啥 天津自考教材哪里买?具体地点? 郑州市哪里专门的自考书店 拼多多国际商家是怎么一键抓取商品的? 在拼多多开店之后,是怎么抓取商品上传的? 拼多多上货工具有没有免费的,能批量抓取商品的那种? 如何回复消息然女朋友开心一些,或者好玩有趣的 z3怎么关闭耳返功能,我打开移动ktv选项显示全民K歌已深度合成此功能,想... 高考录取通知书EMS的查询 查EMS高考录取通知书邮递 高考录取通知书EMS查询不了 怎样查到大学录取通知书的EMS的号码 女孩姓杨定字辈,求取个好听名字 汪姓女孩取名定字辈 李姓定字辈如何取名 取名字好头疼,姓刘,字辈是定,男女孩名字都要,可以按字辈也可以不按字辈,谢谢,希望有个好的寓意名字 肖姓定字辈怎么取名好?