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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 00:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 08:51

Summary:The power line is the importance of the indispensability of the electric power system to constitute, electric power of low exhaust even have never exhaust to transport have been the topic of widespread concern, it root of solve path is look for new material act for existing and common power line material.this text with classic electronics theories, BCS theories and strong give or get an electric shock accidentally reasonable theory for the foundation put forward:Take free electronics as to carry to flow son, with the electricity insulate, seal completely, bear to press the tube form new material for carry to flow son have no the resistance movement provide to circulate passage. should lately the material exhausted in the electric power transport or low exhaust, its electric resistance near zero.this kind of is low to exhaust the power line new material is realization low exhaust to lose to give or get an electric shock of another new path, its meaning bears comparison with superconctivity.
Keyword:Power line material, new material, zero electric resistances, superconctive

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 08:52

Abstract: The transmission line is the electrical power system essential important composition, the electrical energy low loss does not have the loss transportation always is even the universal attention topic, its basic key to the situation seeks the new material substitution existing ordinary transmission line material. This article take the classical electron theory, the BCS theory and the strong electric coupling theory proposed as the foundation that,Take the free electron as the current carrier, take the electric insulation, the seal, the pressure resistance tubular new material provides as the current carrier non resistance movement circulates the channel. This new material does not have the loss or the low loss in the electrical energy transportation, its resistance close zero. This kind of low loss transmission line new material realizes a low loss electric transmission new way, its significance is not inferior to the superconctor.
Key word: Transmission line material, new material, zero resistance, superconctivity

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 08:52

Abstract: The transmission line is the electrical power system essential important composition, the electrical energy low loss does not have the loss transportation always is even the universal attention topic, its basic key to the situation is seeks new material substitution existing ordinary transmission line material. this article take the classical electron theory, the BCS theory and the strong couple gathers the theory to propose as the foundation: Take the free electron as the current carrier, take the electric insulation, the seal, the pressure resistance tubular new material provides circulates channel. this new material as the current carrier non resistance movement not to have the loss or the low loss in the electrical energy transportation, its resistance approaches 0. this kind of low loss transmission line new material realizes a low loss electric transmission new way, its significance is not inferior to the superconctor.
Key word: Transmission line material, new material, zero resistance, superconctivity
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