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A Little Story 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 02:10



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 06:11

《A Little Story》
歌手:The Pancakes
所属专辑:《Stereo Radio / Left》

it happened when i was a child
though i still look so naive outside
yoyo and 4-eye were my best mates
what i asked for they wouldn't refuse
and they never lied
but where they are now
i don't know
my complex feelings
i couldn't show
la la la la la la couldn't show
what was lost will be forever lost
what has happened will always be remembered
and still i cannot find another little one
i miss you i need you
my little ones
i can still remember the bite
though it didn't leave any scars on me
in the years to come the sky's still blue
but i still feared if i'd become a victim of rabies
but how they are now
i don't know
my complex feelings
how can i show
la la la la la la how can i show
what was lost could never be found
i was hurt and never will recover
and still i cannot find another little one
i miss you i need you
my little ones
but where they are now
i don't know
my complex feelings
i couldn't show
la la la la la la how can i show
what was lost could never be found
i was hurt and never will recover
and still i cannot find another little one
i miss you i need you
my little ones

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 06:11

歌曲名:A Little Story
歌手:The Pancakes
专辑:Stereo Radio / Left

it happened when i was a child
though i still look so naive outside
yoyo and 4-eye were my best mates
what i asked for they wouldn't refuse
and they never lied
but where they are now
i don't know
my complex feelings
i couldn't show
la la la la la la couldn't show
what was lost will be forever lost
what has happened will always be remembered
and still i cannot find another little one
i miss you i need you
my little ones
i can still remember the bite
though it didn't leave any scars on me
in the years to come the sky's still blue
but i still feared if i'd become a victim of rabies
but how they are now
i don't know
my complex feelings
how can i show
la la la la la la how can i show
what was lost could never be found
i was hurt and never will recover
and still i cannot find another little one
i miss you i need you
my little ones
but where they are now
i don't know
my complex feelings
i couldn't show
la la la la la la how can i show
what was lost could never be found
i was hurt and never will recover
and still i cannot find another little one
i miss you i need you
my little ones

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