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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-12 15:00



热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 20:54

These flowers are more beautiful than those.
This blue car is cheaper than that one.
Lily's classroom is bigger than Mary's.
Tony is the eldest student in our class.
That brown box is the most important.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 20:47

these flowers are more beautiful than those ones.
1.this blue car is cheaper than that red one.
2these flowers are more beautiful than those ones.
3. Lily's classroom is larger than Mary's
4.Tony is the oldest student in our class/
5.That brown case is the heaviest

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 20:53

1。 the blue car is cheaper than the red one.
2. those flowers are more beautiful than these ones.
3. Lily's classroom is bigger than Mary's.
4. Tony is the oldest in our class.
5. that brown suitcase is the most important one.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 20:54

These flowers than those who spend more beautiful
The blue car than the red car cheaper
Lili classroom teachers greater than Mary
Tony is the oldest students in our class
That brown box is most important


热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 20:54

This blue car is cheaper than the red one.
These flowers are more beautiful than those.
Lily's classroom is bigger than Mary's.
Tony is the eldest student in my class.
That brown box is the most important.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 20:50

This blue car is cheaper than that red one.
These flowers are more beautiful than those ones.
LiLi's classroom is bigger than Mary's.
Tony is the oldest student in our class.
That brown trunk is the most important.
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