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单词详解 | ramble

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-12 07:49



热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 15:55

ramble 音标: 美音:/ˈræmb(ə)l/,英音:/ˈræmb(ə)l/

基本释意: verb move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment v. 散步,闲逛;闲扯,随笔;(植物)蔓生,蔓延

同义词: cast,drift,range,roam,roll,rove,stray,swan,tramp,vagabond,wander,jog,ramble on,meander

短释义: You ramble when your talking or your walking goes on and on and on. And on. You’re in no hurry to make a point or get to your destination — if there is one at all.

长释义: The word ramble comes from similar roots as roam. They both mean wander, but they’re often used a little differently. You might roam around on vacation to relax or find adventure. If you’re a shark, you roam the deep sea for food. On the other hand, if the person on the plane next to you chatters nervously and can’t stop, you wish they wouldn’t ramble on like that.

文学例句: Constance came rambling along the wall, checking on the road beneath. It was Imogen’s usual pattern, to talk in a long ramble until she had thoroughly sorted through an idea, then, tired, to ask a question. Rather than the thick, unbroken, monumental snarl of trees imagined by Thoreau, the great eastern forest was an ecological kaleidoscope of garden plots, blackberry rambles, pine barrens, and spacious groves of chestnut, hickory, and oak.

词源: ramble (v.)mid-15c., ramblen, “to wander, roam about in a leisurely manner,” perhaps frequentative of romen “to walk, go” (see roam), perhaps via romblen (late 14c.) “to ramble.” The vowel change is perhaps by influence of Middle Dutch rammelen, a derivative of rammen “copulate,” “used of the night wanderings of the amorous cat” [Weekley], or the Middle English word might be from the Dutch one. Meaning “to talk or write incoherently” is from 1630s. Related: Rambled; rambling.

下面是词源的翻译(机器翻译比较难翻,参考着看) ramble (v.)mid-15c., ramblen,“以悠闲的方式漫步,漫游”,也许是 romen 的频繁出现“走,走”(见 roam),也许是 via romblen(14c 后期)“漫步”。元音变化可能是受中古荷兰语 rammelen 的影响,它是 rammen“交配”的派生词,“用于多情猫的夜间漫游”[Weekley],或者中古英语单词可能来自荷兰语。意思是“不连贯地说话或写作”是从 1630 年代开始的。相关:漫步;漫无边际。
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