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lovestoned 的《who's that girl》的歌词是什么?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-12 23:59



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 15:42

good girls are pretty like all the time
i'm just pretty some of the time
good girls are happy and satisfied
i won't stop asking until i die
i just can't deal with the rules
i can't take the pressure
who's that girl that you dream of?
who's that girl that you think you love?
who's that girl, well i'm nothing like her
i know there's no such girl
i swear i can't take the pressure
who's that girl?
good girls don't say no or ask you why
i won't let you love me until you really try
good girls are sexy like everyday
i'm only sexy when i say it's okay
i just can't deal with the rules
i can't take the pressure
who's that girl that you dream of?
who's that girl that you think you love?
who's that girl, well i'm nothing like her
i know there's no such girl
i swear i can't take the pressure
who's that girl?
let's play a game that you've never tried
you be the girl and i'll be the guy
let's pretend everything has changed, and then
would you love me any different?
i just can't deal with the rules
i can't take the pressure
who's that girl?
who's that girl that you dream of?
who's that girl that you think you love?
who's that girl, well i'm nothing like her
i know there's no such girl
i swear i can't take the pressure
who's that girl?
who's that girl?
who's that girl that you dream of?
who's that girl that you think you love?
who's that girl, well i'm nothing like her
i know there's no such girl
i swear i can't take the pressure
who's that girl?
larry cheng kevin boul, share with you!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 15:43

who's that girl
i've been afraid to ask
i see then come and go
i gotta let you know
if she sleep ready up and me
did she give you what you need
makeing you fell free
they will be OK, when she will run away
What you going to do when they come to you
where you wanna to go
what you going do about me
who's that girl handing around(eioh eioh)
what you going do about me(eioh)
what you going do about me
who's that girl handing around(eioh eioh)
what you going do about me(eioh)
what you going do about me
is good with me
b!tch make you right
watch other side
watch other side
do you think
i'm here
always in your dream
in between(in between)
they will be OK, when she will run away
What you going to do when they come to you
where you wanna to go
what you going do about me
who's that girl handing around(eioh eioh)
what you going do about me(eioh)
what you going do about me
who's that girl handing around(eioh eioh)
what you going do about me(eioh)
what you going do about me
who's that girl (eioh eioh)
who's that girl (eioh)
they will be OK, when she will run away
What you going to do when they come to you
where you wanna to go
what you going do about me
what you going do about about about me
who's that girl handing around(eioh eioh)
what you going do about me(eioh)
what you going do about me
who's that girl handing around(eioh eioh)
what you going do about me(eioh)
what you going do about me
who's that girl
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