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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-13 01:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 01:20

Localization Testing
Localization translates the product UI and occasionally changes some initial settings to make it suitable for another region. Localization testing checks the quality of a product's localization for a particular target culture/locale. This test is based on the results of globalization testing, which verifies the functional support for that particular culture/locale. Localization testing can be executed only on the localized version of a product. Localizability testing does not test for localization quality.

The test effort during localization testing focuses on:

Areas affected by localization, such as UI and content
Culture/locale-specific, language-specific, and region-specific areas
In addition, localization testing should include:

Basic functionality tests
Setup and upgrade tests run in the localized environment
Plan application and hardware compatibility tests according to the product's target region.
You can select any language version of Windows 2000 as a platform for the test. However, you must install the target language support.

The localization testing of the user interface and linguistics should cover items such as:

Validation of all application resources
Verification of linguistic accuracy and resource attributes
Typographical errors
Consistency checking of printed documentation, online help, messages, interface resources, command-key sequences, etc.
Confirmation of adherence to system, input, and display environment standards
User interface usability
Assessment of cultural appropriateness
Checking for politically sensitive content
When shipping a localized product, ensure that localized documentation (manuals, online help, context help, etc.) is included. Items to check include:

The quality of the translation
The completeness of the translation
Terminology is used consistently in all documents and application UI
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