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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-13 02:36



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 16:37

I. Considering the training of employees and the development of the company.
Carry out the training work in details. Do not always become formalistic but the consciousness should be changed. Conscientiously launch the scheme for the workers at the proction line. Meanwhile, the effect evaluation work should also be done. Furthermore, the training task should be combined with the planning of the company, enabling it to be helpful to the realization of the general goal of it. Long-term plan should also be made and should avoid to focus on the short-term interests only. The reason why so many companies have neglected even given up this link of training , to a large extent is because of the bottleneck of the money, or they wouldn't invest that much on this aspect.

II. Training the workers at the proction line in an all-round way.
Train the workers at the proction line in an all-round way, correctly deal with the relationship of talents training and the use. Build and develop perfect traning and ecation system, continuously improving the quality and pertinency of training, and achieve the consistency of the content and the knowledge required by them. By the supervision and training of the eational training and management system, conct evaluations and feedbacks of formal and regular intervals, enabling it become an effective approach to promote the high-quality training.

III. Improving the training methods.
Improve the training methods by establishing scientific training system and effective training plans. Learn from the advanced methods from abroad, go deep into carrying out the ecational reform, conclude and discover a set of new way of thinking which complies with the China's actual condition and mainly aims at improving abilities. Get rid of the simple status of ' copy and paste' training way and method. Establish and develop perfect training and ecation system, continuously improving the quality and pertinency of training, and achieve the consistency of the content and the knowledge required by them.By the supervision and training of the eational training and management system, conct evaluations and feedbacks of formal and regular intervals, enabling it become an effective approach to promote the high-quality training.

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