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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-12 09:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 22:50

Unstandardized English placards not only do damage to a city’s visualization, but make people contempt your service class and quality. By the time when the World Expo will be held in Shanghai, if the phenomenon still exists, that will confuse the foreigners and make lots of jokes, which will create much trouble to foreign tourists and have bad effect on Shanghai, an international metropolitan. In order to communicate with foreigners and to make them understand the placards, we hope the departments and merchants concerned put in time and energy in standardizing English placards.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 22:50


English product label not standard has already harmed the city overallimage, also causes merchant's scale and the grade of service greatlygives the discount. If world exposition period these phenomena stillexist, at the appointed time comes Shanghai the foreign friends to seein the street corner when these English advertisements, certainly willfeel is unintelligible, even makes the joke. Not only will bringinconveniently for the foreign tourist can affect Shanghai thisinternational metropolis the image. Therefore urgently awaits thedepartment concerned and the merchant brings to the attention, and thesupervision correlation department writes the standard Englishadvertisement, is advantageous for well the foreign exchange, alsofavor the foreign guest to distinguish.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 22:49

the English scutcheons which are wrong not only scathe the whole visualize of a city,but also make merchants' serving bad.if there are still some during the world-exposition,the foreigners come to Shanghai who see this will be unintelligible,and will even make jokes.it will not only makes trouble for foreigners,but also influences the visualize of shanghai,which is a internationalism city.so we desiderate to lay store by the departments and merchants,and supercise them make right English scutcheons,then it will be convenient for communicate with other countrys,and easy to foreign guests to distinguish.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-15 22:55

English product label not standard has already harmed the city overallimage, also causes merchant's scale and the grade of service greatlygives the discount. If world exposition period these phenomena stillexist, at the appointed time comes Shanghai the foreign friends to seein the street corner when these English advertisements, certainly willfeel is unintelligible, even makes the joke. Not only will bringinconveniently for the foreign tourist can affect Shanghai thisinternational metropolis the image. Therefore urgently awaits thedepartment concerned and the merchant brings to the attention, and thesupervision correlation department writes the standard Englishadvertisement, is advantageous for well the foreign exchange, alsofavor the foreign guest to distinguish.
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