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...to know and tell me your name ,you give me feelings that i...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-12 10:48



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 17:53

Adien Lewis - Say My Name
Hey Girl!I gotta know, tell me what's your name?You give me feelings that I can't explain.Cuz I've been checking you out and when the music gets loudThe way you move just drive me insane.I know there's all these other girls in the club.But you're the only girl that I'm dreaming of.So tell me what you wanna do girl.It's time to make another move girl.Your eyes, your lips, your hips, your kiss.Everything about you takes my breath away.ChorusBaby, baby I want moreBut I don't think you're ready for what's in store.You got me slow dancing when we're on the floorBut the night is young girl, and I want you to say my name tonight.Baby, baby I want moreAnd you're the only one that I'm falling for.I know you want me, and you know you got meSo don't call me crazy but I want you to say my name tonight.Ooh girl!If the mood is right lets set it off tonight.Cuz your vibe just got me feeling so, so right.And it's a quarter to three, I know you won't disagreeAll time just stops when it's you and me.I'd do you right if only you were my girl (I wanna make you feel)Like you're the only girl in the world.So tell me what you wanna do girl.This night was made for me and you girl (just you girl).Your eyes, your lips, your hips, woah your kiss.Everything about you takes my breath away.ChorusBaby, baby I want moreBut I don't think you're ready for what's in store.Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.comYou got me slow dancing when we're on the floorBut the night is young girl, and I want you to say my name tonight.Baby, baby I want moreAnd you're the only one that I'm falling for.I know you want me, and you know you got meSo don't call me crazy but I want you to say my name tonight.You give me such a crazy feeling that I know it just can't be wrong.When you move your body it's so hard for me to say no, no, no, no, no.I wanna see your face, I wanna taste your lips, I wanna feel your hips so slow.And when we're all alone girl don't be shy.Baby say it, say it, say my nameChorusBaby, baby I want moreBut I don't think you're ready for what's in store.You got me slow dancing when we're on the floorBut the night is young girl, and I want you to say my name tonight.Baby, baby I want moreAnd you're the only one that I'm falling for.I know you want me, and you know you got meSo don't call me crazy but I want you to say my name tonight.Baby, baby I want moreBut I don't think you're ready for what's in store.You got me slow dancing when we're on the floorBut the night is young girl, and I want you to say my name tonight.Baby, baby I want moreAnd you're the only one that I'm falling for.I know you want me, and you know you got meSo don't call me crazy but I want you to say my name tonight.Thanks to feel
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