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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 10:11



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 12:32

aquarius is possession,the hot or seafood chocolate is the most suit for you.of course you must do not like these special test,but at least try it,why dose aquarius is the leader,doesn't it?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 12:33

Taurus is not Da Kuai , be suitable to plain taste large piece of chocolate , see that most, because of you enre lower without end meticulous package wee bit, being hoping that self makes things difficult for sb. in one's hands more large piece of your but average fine food of package.

Gemini is suitable to two-tone or two taste chocolate most , liking to attempt is fresThe temper of Aries easy to move has been fit to chocolate bean or juice soft sweets having colour sugar coating parcel most , just two aspect has all been full of life-force , has been able to be able to keep abreast with your step.
h you often choose two kinds exceeding , have most typical, be the chocolate that black and two white colors are composed of.

Cancer sometimes chooses one kind of taste


热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 12:32

aquarius is possession,the hot or seafood chocolate is the most suit for you.of course you must do not like these special test,but at least try it,why dose aquarius is the leader,doesn't it?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 12:33

Taurus is not Da Kuai , be suitable to plain taste large piece of chocolate , see that most, because of you enre lower without end meticulous package wee bit, being hoping that self makes things difficult for sb. in one's hands more large piece of your but average fine food of package.

Gemini is suitable to two-tone or two taste chocolate most , liking to attempt is fresThe temper of Aries easy to move has been fit to chocolate bean or juice soft sweets having colour sugar coating parcel most , just two aspect has all been full of life-force , has been able to be able to keep abreast with your step.
h you often choose two kinds exceeding , have most typical, be the chocolate that black and two white colors are composed of.

Cancer sometimes chooses one kind of taste


热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 12:32

aquarius is possession,the hot or seafood chocolate is the most suit for you.of course you must do not like these special test,but at least try it,why dose aquarius is the leader,doesn't it?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 12:33

Taurus is not Da Kuai , be suitable to plain taste large piece of chocolate , see that most, because of you enre lower without end meticulous package wee bit, being hoping that self makes things difficult for sb. in one's hands more large piece of your but average fine food of package.

Gemini is suitable to two-tone or two taste chocolate most , liking to attempt is fresThe temper of Aries easy to move has been fit to chocolate bean or juice soft sweets having colour sugar coating parcel most , just two aspect has all been full of life-force , has been able to be able to keep abreast with your step.
h you often choose two kinds exceeding , have most typical, be the chocolate that black and two white colors are composed of.

Cancer sometimes chooses one kind of taste


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