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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-09 02:01



热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 19:57

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2. today is April Fools' Day. Li Hua is looking for Michael to discuss something. She will learn two common phrases today: sketchy and sucker.
3. L: Michael, my roommate Chen called me at work today. She said the police came to our house looking for me. They said there is a problem with my visa. What should I do? I'm very scared.
4. M: What? I don't believe her. That story sounds sketchy.
5. L: You mean it sounds suspicious? You don't believe what Chen said?
6. M: That's right. I said her story is "sketchy," which means it is suspicious and cannot be trusted.
7. L: Oh, so sketchy means suspicious and not trustworthy. How do you know Chen's words are not credible?
8. M: Well, for one thing, the police usually don't care about visas. They are too busy looking for serious criminals.
9. L: Indeed, the police are too busy catching criminals to worry about visas. It's the immigration officers who handle visa issues. So, Chen's words do sound a bit可疑, sketchy.
10. M: Also, I don't think the police or immigration officers would go to your house. That sounds very sketchy.
11. L: Yes, you're right, Michael. I should have known better. If there was a problem with my visa, the immigration bureau would usually send me a letter first. They wouldn't just show up at my house. This is getting more and more unbelievable.
12. M: But if you want to know what's really sketchy, you should remember what day it is.
13. L: What day is it today? Oh... It's April 1st, April Fools' Day! My goodness, I didn't realize Chen would play such a prank on me.
14. M: Heh heh, your roommate is pretty sketchy too, if you ask me.
15. L: Wait a minute, you can also say someone is sketchy? You mean Chen is not very trustworthy? Yes, her words are indeed questionable.
16. M: Yes, that guy was very sketchy. You have to be careful around sketchy people like that.
17. L: Right, I need to call Chen back and tell her I wasn't fooled. Can I borrow your phone?
18. M: Sure!
19. M: What did you say to your roommate just now? You were talking so fast in Chinese that I couldn't understand.
20. L: I told her I was very angry and that I didn't want to live with her anymore. I said I was going to live with her brother. She seemed to believe me!
21. M: She believed that? She is such a sucker!
22. L: What's a sucker? You mean she's sketchy?
23. M: No, no... a sucker is someone who believes people who lie to her and can be easily tricked.
24. L: I've heard the word sucker a lot at school, but I wasn't quite sure what it meant. So, a sucker is someone who is easily fooled and trusts others easily. I believed Chen's words at first, does that make me a sucker?
25. M: Sure, everyone is a sucker at one time or another...
26. L: That's true, everyone has been a fool at some point. I remember you believed those email ads that said you could make a lot of money working from home. You were such a sucker!
27. M: Hey, my phone is ringing. Li Hua, it's for you. I think it's your roommate.
28. L: Chen? Let me talk to her. (Li Hua answers the phone) Yes, I don't care what you told her. We love each other, we are going to live together. What? You still believe my story even after talking to her brother?
29. M: Your roommate is a real sucker! She still believes your story even after talking to her brother?
30. L: Yes, she believed it even after talking to her brother. I think I'd better call her back and tell her I was joking. Otherwise, she might throw all my things out the window.
31. Today, Michael taught Li Hua two common phrases: sketchy, which means someone or something is not credible and should be suspected; and sucker, which refers to someone who is easily deceived and trusts others too easily. This is the end of today's [Popular American English]. We will see you next time.
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