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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-08 14:50



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 06:56

Tianjin Institute of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade (TIFERT) boasts a formidable faculty team, characterized by their deep的专业知识和扎实的实践能力。A significant portion, 50%, of the teaching staff hold Master's degrees or higher, with over 30% holding the ranks of professors or associate professors. Notable among them is President Wang Naiyan, an honored recipient of the State Council's special subsidy, who also holds prestigious positions such as the Chairman of the National Vocational Ecation of Economic Relations and Trade and a visiting professor at Sydney University. TIFERT also attracts esteemed guest professors from renowned institutions like Nankai University and international experts, as well as renowned entrepreneurs.

The college prioritizes a holistic approach to ecation, aligning with economic and societal demands. It operates in tandem with the market and instry, fostering a blend of academic and practical skills in its students. By embracing international ecation trends and leveraging its language strengths, TIFERT actively engages in academic exchange and collaborative programs with top universities worldwide, shaping an open and dynamic international ecational model. Innovation and employability are key focuses, as TIFERT aims to prepare students for successful careers.

The college's strong foundation is further strengthened by partnerships, including a visiting professor team featuring 21 distinguished scholars and entrepreneurs, and a senior consultancy group composed of government leaders, entrepreneurs, and academics. TIFERT's infrastructure includes modern facilities such as teaching buildings, language labs, computer labs, and sports facilities, providing a concive learning environment for over 7500 students across five departments and three sections.

In pursuit of excellence, TIFERT aspires to be a premier institution in foreign economic relations and trade ecation, backed by top-notch faculty, resources, specialized courses, and ecational management practices.



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