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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-08 15:14



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 12:57

I hope I can live in a beautiful place. There is not only fine scenery, but also harmonious social relationships, people treat each other friendly and equally. I like to climb mountains, there are many famous mountains and parks. I can go out to join banquet at any time with elegant friend to talk freely. If I want to relax, I can close the door that nobody would disturbe me. Living there can make me calm and quite.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 12:57

I just hope to live in a beautiful place where there is not only a lot of beautiful scenery ,but also a harmonious society. And what's more the people there must be very kind so the relationship between them is pretty good. As I like climing the mountain, some
famous mountains stand there. As I like travelling, Mingyuan has already been there waiting for me. More over, I can also attend a party whenever I want, and as a result it will be possible for me to enjoy the conversation with some ecated friends of mine.
Further more, as I just have a strong preference for the silence, I can exactly close the door without thinking about whether someone would come to disturb me. All in all, living in such a wonderful place, I will keep my heart calm all the time.
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