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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-11 08:19



热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 17:03

In the present words,science has been developing fast,but people still have a high opinion of artists.What can the arts tell us of the life that science cannot ? Arts is the making and expressions of what are beautiful and pleasure in human lives..People have paid no less attention to arts than they have paid to science since the beginning of human civilization.Why is arts so important ?
The main reason is that compared with natural sciences,arts (humanities and fine arts)serves rudder. First of all,arts plays a essential role in moulding magnificent qualities of people.A majority of works and writings not only expressed the impressive feelings in the world,which were sentimental and natural,but also gave us many ideas about love,faith and charity.In fact,these ideas have withstood the test of time.They represent the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors down through the ages.People,who equipped with these theories,can make sound judgements about any problems which may crop up.
Secondly,arts is the source of happiness in our lives.For instance,a classic light opera can give delight to millions of people.and moreover,some painting masterpieces are exactly a great satisfactions .
Especially, some excellent literature works enrich our lives and make us feel that we are part of the great family of mankind.Therefore,it is nothing but the arts that brings optimistic mental conditions to us.
In addition arts subjects are good for boosting children’s mental development.Recently,a American study shows that Mozart’s works can help children to improve their graphic cognition.Hence arts education is not only of benefit to moulding people’s quality,but also to discovering people’s potential. All in all ,the arts’ contribution to our lives can not be replaced by science although both arts and science push the boundaries of human cognition.

Should we Work to live or live to work? That is, in my opinion, in some sense like Shakespeare's "to be or not to be", which is absolutely a complex issue.

Some people agree to the former opinion that everyday hard work all for the sake of living. From childhood, people have to study hard as to enlarge their knowledge, to improve the quality and to increase the experience for a social being. After they step into the social stage, they work diligently every day to maintain their jobs, to promote their career positions and to run their own business successfully. This state of mind might agree with the majority .the sweat dropped today is for the sake of tomorrow's harvest, in other words, living is the origin and basis of their work. They have the belief that the harder they work, the more the rewords they will get.

As a coin has two sides. Some people take the opposite views that work is the purpose and ambition of their lives. They can not imagine how life will be without work. Work for them is destiny. In this kind of people's minds, the destiny has been rooting in their deep heart, which leads them study harder and harder, which encourages them to make consistently brave and meaningful new try and which makes them have a faith to live a worthwhile life. Human beings coming to the earth cannot leave nothing to the world, something must done.

As far as I am concerned, I think the two kinds of people lie in different levels, and of course, the former one is in a lower level while the latter belongs to a higher state of mind. Working to live concerns oneself only, but living to work concerns much more, such as world as well as human beings. If everyone holds the opinion of living to work, then I believe there's no other living creature could superior to us.

Living to work doesn’t mean there's nothing left except work, but means that our lives should be meaningful and worthwhile. In this case, people are divided into two parts. One pare are those whose work is work and the other are those whose pleasure is pleasure. Anyway, living to work is a state of mind, it is why human beings exist in this mystery planet. Dear Friends never forget our obligation. Don't be dawdling and hurry up to devote ourselves into the work.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 17:03

Should we Work to live or live to work? That is, in my opinion, in some sense like Shakespeare's "to be or not to be", which is absolutely a complex issue.

Some people agree to the former opinion that everyday hard work all for the sake of living. From childhood, people have to study hard as to enlarge their knowledge, to improve the quality and to increase the experience for a social being. After they step into the social stage, they work diligently every day to maintain their jobs, to promote their career positions and to run their own business successfully. This state of mind might agree with the majority .the sweat dropped today is for the sake of tomorrow's harvest, in other words, living is the origin and basis of their work. They have the belief that the harder they work, the more the rewords they will get.

As a coin has two sides. Some people take the opposite views that work is the purpose and ambition of their lives. They can not imagine how life will be without work. Work for them is destiny. In this kind of people's minds, the destiny has been rooting in their deep heart, which leads them study harder and harder, which encourages them to make consistently brave and meaningful new try and which makes them have a faith to live a worthwhile life. Human beings coming to the earth cannot leave nothing to the world, something must done.

As far as I am concerned, I think the two kinds of people lie in different levels, and of course, the former one is in a lower level while the latter belongs to a higher state of mind. Working to live concerns oneself only, but living to work concerns much more, such as world as well as human beings. If everyone holds the opinion of living to work, then I believe there's no other living creature could superior to us.

Living to work doesn’t mean there's nothing left except work, but means that our lives should be meaningful and worthwhile. In this case, people are divided into two parts. One pare are those whose work is work and the other are those whose pleasure is pleasure. Anyway, living to work is a state of mind, it is why human beings exist in this mystery planet. Dear Friends never forget our obligation. Don't be dawdling and hurry up to devote ourselves into the wor
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