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Hold You Up (Low Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-11 10:29



热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 16:16

歌曲名:Hold You Up (Low Key Performance Track Without Background Vocals)
歌手:Matthew West
专辑:Hold You Up (Performance Tracks) - EP

Ne-Yo - Hold You Up
Scoping your watch for a while,
The bezel, the face, the crown
Don't matter the place, I'm down
The magnum will chase em down
You better not make a sound
Or I'll make this fire crack
Crick clack, get back nigga
(Let me hold you Up)
Watching you playa I see ya high side
Boss up to chickens two miles an hour in your ride
Walking around reckless with your nice necklace
Told my nigga six like yo we gotta get this nigga
Yes I agree homie
Only these deep streets know me
When cronie see that cromie at his domie
He won't be lonely
He just gon be wanting for me and Ne-Yo to lax
Put your items in this bag and just
(Let me hold hold you up)
Cuz you know in the plan in the focus
Get this silly nigga for everything he holding
Rock his jewels like they're mine, don't care if they're stolen
Crept up real close and this is what I told him
On your arm on your neck on your wrist I want it
Yeah that's right, all your ice and your cash, I want it
Hold you up and nigga I ain't trynna front with you
Please don't make me kill ya
Just let me hold you up
And that nigga you close to
I'm jacking both you
The nine that I'm holdin will stop you from livin
Don't try to play me, just give me it all and let me hold you up
Gimmie this, gimmie that too
The other nigga, don't make me smack you
Better yet, pull out that smack
Please don't let the gat sneeze at you
Get a, atchoo, sneeze
Whatever get on your knees
On the ground and come out them shoes
(Let me hold you up)
Now that we've got your pockets like rabbit ears
Get up with what little you've got and get out of here
Before you gone flip, the keys to the whip
What you thought I'd let that slip
Cuz I don't give a damn nigga damn you
I don't care about the sentimental value
Passed on generation to generation
Grandma's old box of wild jewels
I got a grandma too
Her diamonds blue
But yours is so blue
Here lets make yours hers and
Like you at attention
And give me gat attention
And if there's anything you failed to mention I've got bad intentions
You don't want to end up missing with a stint
You'd rather hand your riches
That's the smart thing to do
Down, down, lay down
Before i pull that four pound
Nigga you should know
What I'm trynna do
Before I pull that four pound
Just let me hold you
Nigga you should know!
Let me hold you up

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