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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-11 06:55



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 13:32

[ Titanic] is a classic movie.Tells the story of a touching love story.Its name stirs the imagination... Titanic. The unsinkable ship. The unimaginable catastrophe. The untold stories that lay in mystery two and a half miles beneath the waves of the North Atlantic. What buried tale of love, bravery, treasure and treachery, hidden by time and tragedy, waits here to be discovered? A beautiful socialite. A penniless artist. A priceless diamond. A romance so passionate that nothing on earth could stop it. A destiny so incredible that no one could have imagined it. A collision of lives that could only have happened on Titanic, the ship of dreams. The secrets are about to unfold...the song of this movie[my heart will go on]is very classic ,too

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 13:29

[ Titanic] is a classic movie.Tells the story of a touching love story.Its name stirs the imagination... Titanic. The unsinkable ship. The unimaginable catastrophe. The untold stories that lay in mystery two and a half miles beneath the waves of the North Atlantic. What buried tale of love, bravery, treasure and treachery, hidden by time and tragedy, waits here to be discovered? A beautiful socialite. A penniless artist. A priceless diamond. A romance so passionate that nothing on earth could stop it. A destiny so incredible that no one could have imagined it. A collision of lives that could only have happened on Titanic, the ship of dreams. The secrets are about to unfold...the song of this movie[my heart will go on]is very classic ,too
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