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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-11 06:22



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 08:56

For develops the domestic and foreign markets well, strengthensinternational the economical technical cooperation and the exchange,the promotion related product quality, demonstrated the domestic andforeign various professions the advanced technical product and theequipment, promote our country various professions synthesisdevelopment, positively creates the reasonable profit, unfolds thesynthesis overall plan which can manage and the scientific reasonableuse proposes the program day by day. Can unfold along with the present domestic conference increases day byday, the tradition primarily unfolds by the manual way can manage thepattern to cause to unfold meets the resources not to be ablereasonably to obtain the use, unfolds can the host institution not beable real-time to grasp unfolds the meeting each item of dynamicmaterial. For example the host institution for will unfold business inthe arrangement process to provide each kind of service, for example:The advertisement, unfolds the position, unfolds has, thetransportation, the credential and so on, the arrangement commerce,the technical seminar, posts the invitation letter for the professionin related unit and the personnel, provides the admission ticket forthe audience and so on. Unfolds meets the organizer to need to trackthese active the progress, only then can promptly carries on theadjustment to the resources and the organization work. Therefore,opens the development to be able the management information system,can assist the sponsor unit to enhance unfolds the meeting theorganization management level, promptly grasps each kind of active thepreparation situation, for unfolds business and the audience providesthe consummation, the high quality service. Unfolds can the management system management system be able to helpthe organization committee to unfold can arrange the stage to unfoldbusiness, the audience, the activity and the expenditure carries onthe management. The system highly abstracted has unfolded can arrangethe stage the service model, used the elasticity, the nimble designway in the design, had the certain originality. The permission userunfolds active and active each attribute according to the actual needdefinition which can hit, enables the organization committee to beable to act according to the actual situation to have custom-made inthe system unfolds can move, and to moves plans as well as has theexpense to carry on the entire journey monitoring with the resources,makes the correct decision-making.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 08:56

For develops the domestic and foreign markets well, the enhancement international economic and technical cooperations and the exchange, the promotion related product quality, demonstrated the domestic and foreign various professions the vanguard technology product and the equipment, promote our country various professions integrated development, creates the reasonable profit positively, unfolds the synthesis overall plan which can manage and the scientific reasonable use proposes the program day by day.
Can unfold along with the present domestic conference increases day by day, the tradition primarily unfolds by the manual way can manage the pattern to cause to unfold meets the resources not to be able to obtain the use reasonably, unfolds can the host institution not be able real-time grasping to unfold the meeting each item of dynamic material.For example the host institution for will unfold business in the arrangement process to provide each kind of service, for example: The advertisement, unfolds the position, unfolds has, the transportation, the credential and so on, the arrangement commerce, the technical seminar, posts the invitation letter for the profession in related unit and the personnel, provides the admission ticket for the audience and so on. Unfolds meets the organizer to need to track these active the progress, only then can carries on the adjustment promptly to the resources and the organization work.Therefore, opens the development to be able the management information system, can assist the sponsor unit to enhance unfolds the meeting the organization management level, grasps each kind of active promptly the preparation situation, for unfolds business and the audience provides the consummation, the high quality service.
Unfolds can the management system management system be able to help the organization committee to unfold can arrange the stage to unfold business, the audience, the activity and the expenditure carries on the management.The system abstracted highly has unfolded can arrange the stage the service model, used the elasticity, the nimble design way in the design, had certain originality.The permission user unfolds active and active each attribute according to the actual need definition which can hit, enables the organization committee to be able to act according to the actual situation to have custom-made in the system unfolds can move, and to moves plans as well as has the expense to carry on the entire journey monitoring with the resources, makes the correct decision-making.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 08:57

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