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If You're Gone 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 17:43



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 09:25

歌曲名:If You're Gone
歌手:Matchbox Twenty

Matchbox Twenty - If You're Gone
By - Ongzy
I think Ive already lost you
I think youre already gone
I think Im finally scared now
You think Im weak -
I think youre wrong
I think youre already leaving
Feels like your hand is on the door
I thought this place was an empire
Now Im relaxed
I cant be sure
I think youre so mean
I think we should try
I think I could need
This in my life and
I think Im just scared
I think too much
I know this is wrong
Its a problem Im dealing
If youre gone
maybe its time to come home
Theres an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If youre gone
Baby you need to come home
Theres a little bit of something me
In everything in you
I bet youre hard to get over
I bet the room just wont shine
I bet my hands I can stay here
I bet you need
More than you mind
I think youre so mean
I think we should try
I think I could need
This in my life
I think Im just scared
That I know too much
I cant relate and thats a problem Im feeling
If youre gone
Maybe its time to come home
Theres an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If youre gone
Baby you need to come home
Theres a little bit of something me
In everything in you
I think youre so mean
I think we should try
I think I could need
This in my life and
I think Im just scared
Do I talk too much
I know this is wrong
Its a problem Im dealing
If youre gone
Maybe its time to come home
Theres an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move
If youre gone
Baby you need to come home
Theres a little bit of something me
In everything in you

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