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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 16:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 16:49

The trend of technological development and rising computer usage has prompted photoshop-editing needs, which are no longer only available to Windows and Mac users. Linux users are now also able to make the most of this popular editing software. So in this article, I will explain how to install Photoshop on Linux.
To start off with, you need to make sure that your version of Linux is compatible with Photoshop. Generally, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and openSUSE distributions of Linux may be used.
Once that is sorted, there are two ways you can install Photoshop on Linux: via Wine, or through direct download. Wine is an open-source translation layer application, often used to run Windows applications on Linux.
To install photoshop via Wine, open your Linux terminal and type:
`sudo apt install Wine`
Once Wine is installed, go to the official website of Photoshop to download an installation file for Windows. After downloading, you need to check the file if it is an .exe file (executable file), and then you can use Wine to run the program.
Open command line and type:
`wine ‘/path/to/adobe_photoshop.exe’`
If you want to install Photoshop directly on Linux, you’ll need to look for solutions like Photoshop CS2 or GIMP, an open-source alternative to Photoshop. If you want to get Photoshop CS2 on Linux, you need to download and install the Photoshop CS2 installation file.
Once the file is downloaded, open it with the package manager and it will take care of all the installation and setup process. Once it’s done, you’re ready to start editing photos.
No matter which method you choose, you now have the basic knowledge needed to install photoshop on Linux. Remember to check for your Linux version’s compatibility, and make sure that you are using the correct installation file. Have fun, and enjoy!
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