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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 08:29



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 03:00

As China's market economy development and the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, airline service quality and management system will face a new round of tests, but also new opportunities for airlines. With increased competition among airlines, people have begun to realize that the Civil Aviation sluggish proction growth, economic decline, lack of market demand on the one hand, there are objective factors, but the core problem is that service competition, extensive management. China's airlines will also face severe challenges. Only by studying the internal laws of the airline, airlines and objective summary of the advanced quality of service, a rational combination of the concrete practice of General Administration of Civil Aviation of China, enhance the overall management of the current situation, General Administration of Civil Aviation of China have the space for the survival and development. So how to improve the quality of the service system and enhance the value of management services, all airlines will be an important issue. Articles in the literature and analysis of a full card on the basis of the quality of service to the airline management system based on the theory. Through empirical research, the establishment of service quality and management of the basic framework; At the same time, specific measures and suggestions.
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