发布时间:2024-10-04 07:55
时间:2024-10-21 21:12
I have a dream 我有一个梦想,
That I can do whatever I like 我能做任何我想做的(工作)
we have a work life from 9 to 5 过着朝九晚五的工作生活
and take a part with my family or my friend at weekend 双休的时候跟家人或者朋友参加派对
as we grow about the work we have test every month 月工作考核让我们不断成长
we fight for our exploits to achieve a vistit with an annual paid 我们为取得带薪休假而不断奋斗出好业绩
we have a high spirit leader我们有意气奋发的领导
to tell us everyone has a beauty future 告诉我们每个人都有很好的发展平台
everyone of us could be a great leader 每个人都能成为很棒的领头羊
we fight and fight together 我们不断奋斗
then success 走向成功
and live a happiness life 然后幸福的生活
时间:2024-10-21 21:17
I have a dream 我有一个梦想,
That I can do whatever I like 我能做任何我想做的(工作)
we have a work life from 9 to 5 过着朝九晚五的工作生活
and take a part with my family or my friend at weekend 双休的时候跟家人或者朋友参加派对
as we grow about the work we have test every month 月工作考核让我们不断成长
we fight for our exploits to achieve a vistit with an annual paid 我们为取得带薪休假而不断奋斗出好业绩
we have a high spirit leader我们有意气奋发的领导
to tell us everyone has a beauty future 告诉我们每个人都有很好的发展平台
everyone of us could be a great leader 每个人都能成为很棒的领头羊
we fight and fight together 我们不断奋斗
then success 走向成功
and live a happiness life 然后幸福的生活