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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 14:23



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 12:50

i had a unforgettable working experience during the summer holidays, that was handing out brochures for advertisement. Because it was summer, the sun was like unusually hot like burning, i was close to giving up, but thinking it was an opportunity for trying out, so what great matter would i be able to handle if not simple things like that? by the end of the day, i had earned the money that i deserved, although it was really hard and tiring, but it left me deep impressions! it let me know that is to hold it to the last no matter doing what!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 12:48

I have a summer vacation an unforgettable experience to work, is made out leaflets, because it is summer, in particular the hot sun, I almost want to give up a little bit of the feeling, but thought this was it not a training opportunity if it can not be trivial Persevered, but also to do what it important? One day down, some of which have been paid, although very hard, but I gave him a deep impression! I know no matter what should adhere to in the end!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 12:52

I have a summer vacation an unforgettable experience to work, is made out leaflets, because it is summer, in particular the hot sun, I almost want to give up a little bit of the feeling, but thought this was it not a training opportunity if it can not be trivial Persevered, but also to do what it important? Down one day, some of which have been paid, although very hard, but I gave him a deep impression! I know no matter what should adhere to in the end!
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