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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 13:43



热心网友 时间:15小时前

Guo Jingming was born in Zigong City, Sichuan Province. Zou Huilan mother is the local bank's staff, Guo Jianwei father in a state-owned enterprises.
He is very intelligent and from a young age like to read, he read widely known novels and essays, including Jin Yong, Liang Yusheng, Gu Long's martial arts novels, parents do not intervene, because a lot of reading, exert an imperceptible influence on his writing skills gradually increase. Gao was third in a row, he is three, four, "the new concept of composition contest," the first prize. He also Sina and his Nanfang Dushi Bao, such as media co-hosted by the "2003 Chinese characters of literature" in the poll, was one of the named "the most popular writers". He is also senior literature and a number of experts have also caused great repercussions.
At the time, still dissatisfied with a 20-year-old student in literary circles, it is true worth millions, in today's China is rare.



热心网友 时间:15小时前

Guo Jingming was born in Zigong City, Sichuan Province. Zou Huilan mother is the local bank's staff, Guo Jianwei father in a state-owned enterprises.
He is very intelligent and from a young age like to read, he read widely known novels and essays, including Jin Yong, Liang Yusheng, Gu Long's martial arts novels, parents do not intervene, because a lot of reading, exert an imperceptible influence on his writing skills gradually increase. Gao was third in a row, he is three, four, "the new concept of composition contest," the first prize. He also Sina and his Nanfang Dushi Bao, such as media co-hosted by the "2003 Chinese characters of literature" in the poll, was one of the named "the most popular writers". He is also senior literature and a number of experts have also caused great repercussions.
At the time, still dissatisfied with a 20-year-old student in literary circles, it is true worth millions, in today's China is rare.



Guo Jingming was born in Zigong City, Sichuan Province. Zou Huilan mother is the local bank's staff, Guo Jianwei father in a state-owned enterprises.He is very intelligent and from a young age like to read, he read widely known novels and essays, including Jin Yong, Liang Y...


Guo Jingming (郭敬明) (born June 6, 1983) is a Chinese author. His books are popular among young people in China, and he is currently the best-selling writer in the country. Guo is currently studying as a university student in Shanghai and has published 5 books so far. Als...


Guo Jingming is a talented student writer.His books are very popular among teenagers in China.He has published more than five books so far.Guo Jingming was born on june 6,1983 in sichuan.He wrote his first novel "City of Fantasy''when he was in high school.The book was pu...

求【郭敬明】英文介绍 在线等

晕死还要英文的,自己写好中文的,在网上 翻译不就好了

郭敬明英文简介 我有资料,帮忙翻译下就行,要通顺。不要用在线翻译_百度...

Guo jingming, Mint birthday: 6/6 in sichuan dialect: Gemini hotel.it constellation: Gemini career: writer 1997 virgin poem of solitude, for the first time in the national journal published in life most. Personal essays published in 2002 work "the edge of love and pain. Published...


Guo Jingming (郭敬明) (b. June 6, 1983) is a Chinese author. His books are popular among young people in China.[citation needed] Guo is currently studying as a university student in Shanghai and has published 5 books so far.[citation needed] Also he is now the editor of ...


Guo Jingming first reading of the first to be like Shangshang its flood-like language shocked Caowenhan, said Guo Jingming "grasp the language with confidence, and the talking and Zuoyoufengyuan, both in depiction of the state of the soul or in the analysis of context or ...


2005年3月,《福布斯》杂志中文版推出的“福布斯2005名人榜”中,郭敬明位列其中,排名第92位。 个人简介出生:1983年6月6日籍贯:四川省自贡市 出生地:四川省自贡市现居住地:上海市,北京市英文名:Mint.G血型:AB型身高:1.60民族:汉族星座:双子座爱好:羽毛球,上网 颜色:白色,黄色属相...


Hi! I am Is a fart bag . I am 12222222-year-old boy. I don much like sports very much. I am good at swimming and I also like cycling. My home is far from school, so I cycle to school everyday.In school, I like English Language and my English teacher very ...


郭敬明 个人简介 姓名出处:“穆穆鲁侯,敬明其德。”这句话出自《诗经·鲁颂·駉之什·泮水》。 现居住地:中国 上海 国籍:中国 英文名:Jing M.Guo 血型:AB型 性别:男 星座:双子座 生肖:猪 职业:作家 身高:155cm 成立的公司 上海最世文化发展有限公司及旗下...

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